Adventures of the Blonde Headed Irish Kids..

Okay so, to answer questions, I'm not sure which pictures from Iowa you want names on I'll send you the link to my photobucket stuff if you want it. Mom is the woman in the NC shirt. Baby, Hailey, is Svt's cousin's daughter. It wasn't really karaoke it was actually me and SVT's family band singing Walkin after midnight I think, it was a little fuzzy and SVT doesn't really even remember me singin with Aunt Linda much less what we sang.

There's a reason why SVT's parents house is jokingly refered to as the "Javelin Ranch":lol:

Yep I am wearing his Ford jacket, one of the few I'll wear without looking too ashamed.Traditionally though I wouldn't be caught in one, but it is my sweetie's jacket so I guess its okay.

Fairy godmothers were at the Disney store in Fayetteville.

That little guy was actually my bait I swear.

Wrong location on the drive, I believe that was in NC almost back to Fayettevile.

And the cat was Pesky, the farm cat turned stock car racing mascot after he rode in the back of the truck all the way to Corning and sat at the track while we raced. Not quite one of Chelle's cats, kinda has Patches' attitude, and is the only one that actually hunts which is why Pesk hasn't been evicted off the farm in IA.

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Okay, I stand corrected - they're Javelins, not AMX's. I knew they were American Motors Corp products, though! :D And yes, I gathered that was Mom dancing with AJ.

You can wear a Ford jacket, you know..... Not only does AJ have a Ford (or two);so does your old man have one (or two,if you remember that Mercury's are just fancier Fords). And don't forget, my Ford can crawl out of deeper holes than your Chevy! :D

The little fish was bait huh? Ooooo-kaaaaayyyyy! :rolleyes:

And, when I saw Pesky, I thought of Chelle's cat Emily; who, when she's on the left side of her bipolar disorder, also hunts - Gingerbread Men! :lol:

EDIT: I just now found a back door into your photobucket (by mistake - you know I'm not that good on purpose!).... You should have included the pic of AJ's Dad in the dirt-tracker; so everybody would know why it's called the "Javelin Ranch". And who are all the guys in digi's ? 10th Mountain? The dates on the pics are before AJ went over there :scratch:
LOL. Not quite Emily. She has pointed (siamese) markings (and a cute new haircut)

Good God girl! What did you do to that poor cat?????

LOL. Well, if she'd take better care of her fur or actually let us brush her, I wouldn't have to shave her. It actually took 2 days to shave her (she'd get too mad and start biting so I'd have to stop). She went around for a day only half shaved. I should have taken a pic.
