Dyno Day in marrietta georgia

The Flash

Founding Member
Feb 14, 2002
Kennesaw, GA
Hey guys and gals. The Atlanta chapter of SVTOA is having a dyno day at team ford on cobb parkway (formerly known as chuck clancy ford) on saturday the 19th from 8:30 til 4. If you are in the area, come on out and check it out. We will be having food and fun.
  • Sponsors (?)

I don't think that they will have any time to fit any more in than what is already sold out.

The deal through our club the Atlanta Chapter of the SVTOA is that they will take a baseline run, go and do a mod for you then restrap it down and show the gains afterwards. This is all included in the $50 dollar price.

The good thing is if you are a member of the club, they will do this anytime and the price is always $50 bucks for us.

For only $15 dollars a year in members dues it is worth it and not only that we get a 25% off of Ford OEM parts also.

Come check us out, we meet on the First Tuesdays of the month at Team Ford.
