Ford Suing :: PLEASE Read this Thread and Sound off

Thats the same thing that carroll shelbys lawyers are doing. They want royalties from any product with his name on it. I think its complete bull*****. if they want the Mustang enthusiast market to die off, this is one sure way to accomplish it.
I dont really understand how they could enforce this, they will lose so much money initially for court costs from people that would contest it, that it wouldnt seem like a lucrative option.
I personally think its a slap in the face to all the people that specialize in mustang tuning, racing, and provide aftermarket ford / mustang parts. And untill they put a patent on " 'Stang" or "Pony" i dont see that holding up in court, as i dont believe you can patent slang terms.
My grandfather busted his ass for 32 years working for ford, and thats where most of my loyalty comes from. but they start pulling stuff like this, and i will end up on the other side buying GM products.
This sounds like a bunch of BS to me, but not too surprising. It's pretty obvious that America is over-lawyered and sue happy.

I don't see how a company with "Mustang" in their name is in ANY way hurting ford's sales.

I think a lot of people probably buy Mustangs because of the huge aftermarket. I can only see this move alienating Mustang owners, and not benefiting the company at all.

I can somewhat understand Shelby suing over kit cars with "Cobra" in the name, but it's not like someone is selling Mustang replicas and calling them "Mustangs".

Maybe we'll all be posting on St@ngnet forums soon.

i definately would not have bought my mustang if there wasnt so many aftermarket parts to make it sound good and go fast. Ford is just being stupid again, and they will soon realize that this will hurt their sales much more than any company using the name mustang to sell parts for mustangs. You dont see them suing escorts, and you wont see them win any suits over the name of a horse.
I've commented on this issue so many times already that my head is beginning to hurt. Ford needs to pull their collective heads out of their collective rear ends.

Perhaps this is a ploy by all the gray old geezers that work on the top floor to gain as much capitol as they can before writing big fat checks out each other in preparation for bankruptcy and closure.
This is absolutely ridiculous. Mustang is a word. Yes it happens to be the name of a car, but they doesnt give them the right to copyright the word. Next thing you know Dodge will sue for use of the word "Magnum" and the condom company will go out of business.

or "Viper" and I'll have to take my "Reptilian" alarm off of my 1993 "Equine" LX

All hail the 1993 Equine Related, Tradmarked 4.9 Liter Coupe with Reptilian Related 17" R's and a Blue Ovular Shaped sign on it with cursive writing that spells out a certain manufacturers name that can't be spoken of here for fear of being beheaded by "Jr."

From this day forth, let it be known that they should be referred to as:

"That which must not be named"
I understand protecting a their product and all but this is rediculous.

It is really going to come back and bite them in the ass.

The availability of aftermarket parts from companies that identify themselves as catering to the Mustang enthusiast is part of why the hobby is as big as it is today. There are lots of people who can't afford to go drop a lot of coin on a new Mustang but can, and want to, afford to buy a nice FOX and mod it up. Being able to find companies that cater to Mustangs is important to getting people into the Mustangs early and most usually end up buying a new one at some point. I know I did.

It is going to make it a lot harder for folks new to the hobby to find parts when websites like "Ford Parts Network" have been forced to become "Fast Parts Network" by Fords lawsuit.

They are biting the hand that feeds them and it will probably cost them in the end. Kinda like when the tried to force the front wheel drive Probe on us as the "new" Mustang.

All in all I say to Ford

One last thing. With the possiblity of the new Dodge Challenger coming out Ford needs to get on the stick and keep the Mustang fan base happy. I am pretty intriguied (sp?) about the possiblity of a Challenger in my driveway and if Ford continues on this course it will be a new Challenger instead of a new Mustang.