Got the 50 impounded lastnight :(

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All I have to say is, street racing in general is way more dangerous than racing on a track. If you want to take exact specific times where in YOUR life it wasnt, then I and 50 other people can come back with street races that were 5 times as dangerous as a track...

Maybe where you live that ONE place people race is as safe as a track (no NOT safer, at best as safe, and even then I highly doubt it) but in 95% of cities out there it isnt. Even industrial roads, out in the sticks, and late night highways all have dangers that a track doesnt.

Your post talks about the perfect situation of everything, but leaves out one important fact... its ILLEGAL. It is against the law to street race, whether or not you think it might be safer or better. It is known that it is wrong, less safe then a track and there are horrible consequences when you participate or watch. With that known calling someone who street races a moron, works in my book!
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What a moron..... im not going to ask Daggar if he can ban retards like that because if he does get banned everyone will know its just because I asked and I dont wanna get Daggar in trouble, but man :rlaugh: he is dumb makes me wonder which one of his buddies he'll shoot by accident in the army or who he'll mow down "sand dune racing" ...Guess our government is desperate..Fu** this Im movin to :canada:

Kinda makes me wanna:dead:, yes beat a horse with a bat
i dont see how u guys get off callin me all kind of names, i never said i was racing. Just an innocent bystander. We dont have a track so we use what we got. Yes its illegal but im sure NOT ONE SINGLE person on here can say they never broke the law. So if im a moron for breaking the law, then i guess we all are! so dont single me out. But all i can say is gettin my car took did teach me a lesson and i wont be there again, atleast in my car hehe
- Swarzkopf

Ok, I must admit... now I can understand why someone would believe street racing can be as safe as taking it to the track. And Im sorry if some of my words sounded strong and opinionated. But like 25th said, ur allowing for the "PERFECT" conditions which simply do not happen all the time every time. There is still room for more dangers than the track.

About the helmet: Yes, you want that thing. Almost every injury that leads to death is a head injury. You may have air bags.. my car certainly does not and that doesnt even matter if my head gets knocked against the side window. I have been kicked off tracks because I did not have a helmet. If your track does not enforce these rules they are breaking the national rules of NHRA and or IHRA. Its not like everyone cruises around with a helmet in their car ready for the next street race. Don't even try to convince me every street race u've been in all racers were wearing a helment.

The whole deer incident.. Hmm.. one freak accident. Ok, I can think of about 50 people I know personally who have hit a deer just driving around.

The emergency vehicle is REQUIRED at least in Indiana for insurance reasons.. It doesnt matter if its an event or just T&T night. I know this is true. If you track does not have them, they are more than likely breaking a rule/law (IHRA NHRA) or taking a serious serious risk that could lead to a lawsuit. I know when I went to rent IRP for a day with bunch of local stang guys the track required an extra 2g to staff medical personell and an ambulance and that was NOT an option.

If racers at a track dont stop.. what does that prove to ur arguement? :shrug: nothing.. all it proves is that stupid people can make it to the track too. but hey, they are risking their own lifes and not some soccor mom that was coming through the area.

So, I guess you mark off exactly 1/4 mile in all ur races and allocate a proper shut down lane in all ur street races uh?

Now, I tried to find the statistic for death in LEGAL drag racing.. but could only find three:

Deaths in IHRA
Wayne Bailey, October 2000

Deaths in NHRA
Darrell Russell, June 2004
Blaine Johnson, August 1996

Now, I know this is far from the truth as I have personally seen a man die while drag racing at ET Raceway here in Indiana. However, otopsie showed the man had a heartattack BEFORE the end of the track (guy was 71 years old) and his body never let off the pedal. He was driving a rail car that normally ran the 1/8 mile in just 5 seconds at 125+ mph... so considering he never left off the pedal.. he hit the sand dunes doing an easy 170... yea that was nasty. but either way, I cannot find a true and complete statistic on deaths and or injuries for legal drag racing.

now, for street racing.. here ya go:

Consider the following stats, compiled from a variety of national and state transportation agencies, and it's easy to see the answer is to take it to the track.

In 2001, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reported that police listed street racing as a factor in 135 fatal crashes. The total was up from 72 street-racing-related fatalities reported in 2000.

According to the California Office of Traffic Safety, more than 800 citations for illegal street racing were issued in 2001.

In San Diego, where the street racing problem has been termed "epidemic," 16 deaths and 31 injuries were directly related to illegal street racing in 2001. The city's attorney's office prosecuted 147 illegal street racing cases in 1999, 161 in 2000, and 290 in 2001.

In Florida in 2001, 7,216 citations were issued for racing on the highway.
In 1999, the Florida Department of Highway and Safety for Motor Vehicles reported 28 accidents related to illegal street racing, with 2 fatalities and 27 injuries. In 2000, the agency reported 39 racing accidents, with 1 fatality and 55 injuries. In 2002, there were 48 racing accidents, 1 fatality, and 60 injuries.

Im sure that list is very incomplete too as I know of 5 kids who dies street racing in Bloomington alone.

The whole comparisons between the two is very very hard to come up with an apples to apples situation.

I mean, real drag cars at the track can typically clear the 1/4 mile in less than 9 seconds. These cars of course tend to be more dangerous because they have the ability to reach higher speeds faster, lose control easier, and etc. The typical street car will never see power levels comparable to these cars on the track. So, even if you COULD find stats on deaths in legal drag racing you would have to factor these guys out as they would not typically be the average street racer.

So, I guess.. if what you stated is something you really want to believe.. go for it. But a little common sense will tell you its impossible to conclude racing on the street is just as safe as the track. The street has way too many variables even if you THINK you are given the perfect situation.
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