guess what i got for my birthday...


New Member
Dec 30, 2004
well tommorow is my birthday and yesterday i got a present.......a dumb girl on a phone that pulled out in front of me:nonono: :nonono: :nonono: needless to say i need a new bumper, bumper support, impact absorbers, lights, headlight panel paint, i think my hood is still good, hopefully nothing to important is bent. god this sucks but im thinking about getting that cobra bumper with the add on spoiler from abc exclusive, and if my dog didnt eat the usb cable i could show some pics. man i hope the body shop can match opal frost or this is really gonna suck.....theres only one thing to say f**k:bang:
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no she wasnt hot at all, but my cousins friend knows her and told me she got in a wreck last year and her parents tried and tried to fight it to get out of paying for it, to bad she told the cop it was 100% her fault and i had a friend with me to prove it was her fault
fast94mustangGT said:
well tommorow is my birthday and yesterday i got a present.......a dumb girl on a phone that pulled out in front of me:nonono: :nonono: :nonono: needless to say i need a new bumper, bumper support, impact absorbers, lights, headlight panel paint, i think my hood is still good, hopefully nothing to important is bent. god this sucks but im thinking about getting that cobra bumper with the add on spoiler from abc exclusive, and if my dog didnt eat the usb cable i could show some pics. man i hope the body shop can match opal frost or this is really gonna suck.....theres only one thing to say f**k:bang:

A good paint place has a handheld scanner from which they can get the correct paint color (close to it anyway). They usualy have to play around to get it perfect.

You could always have them paint the entire car while they are there??
i would love to get the whole car painted, but cant afford it at the moment. i got a 166 dollar speeding ticket to pay for and im going to bonnaroo next month and i would like to take atleast 500 there. how much do yall think it would cost to get the whole car painted if i sanded and primered it??
yea im glad no one got hurt, but damn i mean i dont see how she didnt see me. was coming the opposite direction as me and turned left in an intersection right as i was getting ready to come through the intersection errr... FTW?
fast94mustangGT said:
yea im glad no one got hurt, but damn i mean i dont see how she didnt see me. was coming the opposite direction as me and turned left in an intersection right as i was getting ready to come through the intersection errr... FTW?
Man sometimes people are so busy on phones,make up, pre-occupied with whatever who knows where their mind is at......

FTW.......well that's a debate......Justin throws it out all the time and I love it everytime he does.....I think he may mean "For The Win"
and I interpreted it as "F@#k the world" either way .....I support my Opal Frost brother......