Hey now, he was on a pick-up run to LaGuardia! The icecap on the Jacuzzi should be perfect by tomorrow AM; so he was "borrowing" his FD's ambulance to discretely transport Christy Yama-goochie and the other lady figure skaters for their very private exhibition dance to Christen the new "Closet Ice-Rink".

Hubba hubba!

EDIT: Hey Chelle; here on the desert floor, it's grown cold and damp; with a strong wind from the North joining up with another storm front from the Southwest. Forecasting rain and possibly sleet tomorrow. Is it still bikini weather there in Missouri?
Nope. It's supposed to start getting down in the 30's the next couple of days, then the 40's. Plus it's supposed to be raining. I REALLY want it to snow because I got a new camera and there's a road outside of Sedalia that would look absolutely gorgeous in the snow so I want to take some pictures. But so far, Mother Nature isn't cooperating.
