I got blown today!


Active Member
Feb 3, 2004
New Jersey
I ordered my Vortech SQ Mongoose kit today!


Anyone in Jersey with experience with this install going to be around the weekend of July 29th? I could use an experienced hand to do this. I'll pay in cash, food, beer, you name it!

Install will be taking place in Jackson, NJ. 5 minutes from Great Adventure.

blacknblue2002 said:
good luck w/ the install man....remember we're always here for help if needed

Hey bud. How was the install? I know it was your first experience doing it. That's why I ask. If you wouldn't mind shooting me your cell via PM incase I need to shoot a quick Q that would rock.

I'm totally farkin' psyched guys!
jasonh_86 said:

I thought you were selling you car!! You sneaky little bastid!!

Nice choice tho.. blown is better than gettin rid of the mustang

I couldn't part with it! I had a girl straight out offer me $14k for it. She was going to take it off my hands. My heart sunk in my chest and I then knew it was time for the blower.
AmBo said:
I couldn't part with it! I had a girl straight out offer me $14k for it. She was going to take it off my hands. My heart sunk in my chest and I then knew it was time for the blower.

Good choice we would have had to hurt you.
AmBo said:
I couldn't part with it! I had a girl straight out offer me $14k for it. She was going to take it off my hands. My heart sunk in my chest and I then knew it was time for the blower.

Well congrats man!!

At least you got a good offer, so you were able to tell what you REALLY wanted to do after you were "put on the spot".. Blower FTW!!