I sold my 90 5.0 vert. and my 89 GT... and bought a 05 GT


Thanks a million for today, I drove 400 miles, and I got rear ended on the way back in the process.

For anyone needing cliff notes, I had been talking with the OP about selling my wheels to spruce up her car, we agreed on a price and a place of exchange which was 200 miles for me and about 100 for her. We exchanged phone numbers and contact info and set the appointment for today at 3PM.

About 45 min before time I was already at the spot when I get a nice text message saying basically hey I left you a message on myspace, sorry I thought it over I don't want the wheels, after I had driven all the way to the place. Tried calling, and texting back asking why she didn't call first thing in the morning and for at least some fuel costs reimbursement and nothing straight to answering.

On the way back as if things weren't already peachy enough as is, I get rear ended at an overpass by some burger flipper with no money, basic liability and plenty of apologies scratching up my rear bumper.

Thanks again for a wonderful day and for making me a fan of Karma. crapola
I knew you were going to get on here and say "something" smart. I emailed you on myspace at 5:30am to let you know I thought it over and changed my mind about buying your wheels. We talked mostly on myspace so I assume you check it regular like I do. So, if I were to meet someone at 3pm at a place 300 miles away I would most deffenatly if it was that far away would of called that other person to make sure BEFORE I left that he or she was still meeting me there. I could of called at 5am in the morning but I did not want to wake you or your g/f because that would be rude. You knew I worked over nights and slept days because I told you. When I get home Im very tired and I crash until my alarm goes off. I woke up at 1pm or so and checked my myspace on my phone to see if you emailed me back and I saw you didnt even read it so I texted you and you were almost there! I was shocked and did apoligize via text but you should read your email or at least check it or call to see if the other person is still good to go. You never know what could happen, I could of had a severe emergency then what? ALWAYS, call or check messages BEFORE you meet someone that far off, hell even if its 30 minutes down the road. Its common sense.

I am sorry that this happened and about your scratched bumper you got on the way home but.. I wish you would of just called before or read the email. :-(
Common sense is to never make any assumptions. My word is my bond and I got burned for holding you to the same high standard. Shame on me I guess.

You assumed I'm on Myspace all the time which I am not.
You assumed I spend my nights on week-ends sleeping instead of doing stuff.
You assumed that "waking" me up (on a week-end) is more catastrophic then just letting me drive 400 miles.

So yesterday it was basically a string of events caused by your incorrect assumptions.

You could have done a ton of thins to prevent any of it but you didn't. A text message at 3AM or whenever you had your "change of heart" could have sufficed. That I would have most definitely seen in the morning but you didn't and you feel guilty about it so guilty that you didn't answer your phone and when I finally got home to check your "message" you had deleted me from your list.

Oh well chalk this one up to yet another classic flaker.

Members beware.