Is this the end of the second muscle car era?

If i dont empty my 289's tank right down it costs me about$85-90 to fill up over here. It was always going to happen but where we in the UK pay 70% tax on our fuel you guys are just catching up. Its a sad state of affairs but as mentioned here i think the SUVs are gonna be hardest hit. There is a Hummer in the town i live in, barley gets into the petrol station (sorry-gas) cant imagine why one of those is needed in a town over here-or how much it costs!
Yes sad to say but many of us here are having to look at having other cars for everyday use-not sure i want to loose the fun of a v8 though but the gas companies put up the fuel on a daily basis, katrina just made it worse as the US is buying oil from us now........I think the oil companies are thinking this is great. Now all i gotta do is find me an oil field...
Stang2Man said:
if anything I'd say it will boost car sales, most of the mustangs and other sports cars running on the streets right now get incredible mileage compared to the large SUV's I'm getting over 20mpg in my 04 GT

My roommate’s 05 GT is getting 19 in town and 24-26 on the highway. I just read a review on the corvette Z06 and it's getting 16 city and 26 mpg on the highway. A lot of technology has gone into the new cars. Fuel injection, engine mods, and overdrive transmissions have changed things since the last gas crunch.

The big three are still sitting on technologies, like the displacement on demand system, that could help increase the mileage of large V8 engines and make them marketable even if gas continues to rise in cost. I wonder if they are not moving forward with those things now to keep people buying cobalts and the like.

All that said we have to be reaching the end of the line as far as increasing the efficiency of the internal combustion engine. I could be wrong though. There was that rumor about the 100 mpg carburetor.
It's too bad that I don't have the sack to ride a motorcycle. Maybe it's just the image of my mom's car with a huge dent in the front fender and door from where I guy smashed into it on a cycle. My mom was at fault, but luckly the guy recovered. Too many bad drivers and not enough metal between you, them and the pavement.
NoKitten said:
You have the right idea. I'm looking at an 06 Sportster Probably a 1200C or an 883C so 1/2NK can ride as well).


Yeah, it would be good for you to get that 1200 Sporty. That way Trish can park her planned diesel-dually pickup except for days when she's hauling horses - and you can still have the '99 Cougar to drive (as opposed to hitchhiking)!

In a related story; one of the guys at work has spent the last year bragging about the 1200 he bought - don't get me wrong, it's a really cool bike!
However, he started bragging about his plans to get his 'n' hers matching Harley shirts.... For a guy, the black tee-shirt has printed on the back, "If you can read this, the B!T@H FELL OFF!"; and the matching girl's pink string-top says, " I'm the B!T@H THAT FELL OFF"
You guessed it, finding his wife's black tee-shirt (with standard matching caption on the back) was easy for our crew -even if it is in "Men's Small" size. But we're still negotiating with H-D on a price for the guy's (size XL) pink string-top (with standard matching caption on the back).
StangDreamin' said:
Yeah, it would be good for you to get that 1200 Sporty. That way Trish can park her planned diesel-dually pickup except for days when she's hauling horses - and you can still have the '99 Cougar to drive (as opposed to hitchhiking)!

A-hem...... The day I let trish ride a sporty solo is the day I buy a honda. You should know she's probably getting the springer or VRSC when I buy it...

NoKitten said:
A-hem...... The day I let trish ride a sporty solo......

I gotta forgive him, guys; he hasn't been married long enough to realize the mistake he just put on the Forum for posterity. He better hope a Stangnet server crash happens before she reads this!

Dude, you just wrote down that you were gonna allow your wife to do something........

Well, Dad, Knowing her, she'll want her own within three or four months, and talk me into getting her a much nicer bike than my little sporty, and I'll never get to ride the nice bike.

you know, wife.

At least SUV sells are finally falling off. Boy I hate those things. Big, slow, poorly driven and in the dang way all the time.

Check this article out
Is the big SUV dying?
Sport-utility sales nosedive in September in the face of $3-a-gallon-gas, with giants like the Ford Expedition, Chevy Suburban and Toyota Sequoia falling hardest.
NoKitten said:
...... and I'll never get to ride the nice bike.

you know, wife.

Yeah, I know. Still there, still not getting to do that with Sue's RAM. She drives it, I make the payments Trish sez she's gonna get the insurance on the '99 Merc changed from "Storage" to "daily driver" status while she's here this month. Then, if she ends up getting a truck before Ft Polk, I'll deposit some moolah into your bank account (to cover insurance premiums) and use the li'l Cougar as a DD while I'm tearing into the Generic Chevy Truck's fuel injection issues.

jikelly said:
At least SUV sells are finally falling off. Boy I hate those things. Big, slow, poorly driven and in the dang way all the time.
Hey now; my long-term idea is to grab a 'Gator for Mrs StDr (she used to say she wanted a station wagon and, well....); thereby releasing the RAM (aka: "Your old truck, Honey") for my use
Hey, the Quad Cab has finally taught her to figure out where the corners of the truck are located
IMO, after seeing bmw's 30 years of research into the hydrogen combustion engine, and their 300km/h hydrogen combustion powered race car, there will always be a market for combustion engines, rev-heads like myself love aesthetics of combustion engines.

While hydrogen has a much lower energy content, you won't get as much mileage out of the same volume of it as you would petrolium, however I believe the impact won't be that significant as hydrogen combustion can be run at a much leaner ratio during cruise, so you'll save fuel there.

Also if it's just a sports-car thing to have a combustion engine, the car is going to have two seats, be lower, smaller, sleeker, and so should be pretty good on fuel, relatively speaking.

I for one do not want to lose the combustion engine, but I would also love an electric sports car.

Another side note to electric cars, imagine being at a red light at an intersection, no engine noise, just the cars going past, which will be much quieter than current, plus you mostly hear the cars around you - meaning that sitting at the lights you'll be able to have a normal conversation with someone else in another car, without raising your voice. IMO this will invite more socialising, and a better / friendlier road environment.