Just goes to show the simplest things

Went to finish up the install of my new autometer mechanical gauges.....pulled the old sending unit out of the lower manifold then went to the larger fitting tried to remove it...when snap...the fitting broke, leaving the rest of the fitting flush with the manifold....ANY IDEAS ON REMOVING THIS ???

Looks like a steel fitting in a aluminum manifold....can't heat it cause it right by the injector....maybe a #5 or #6 extractor....unless ya'll have some better ideas.

Have a race saturday so I got to get this fixed. Any ideas?
Are you talking about the coolant temp sending unit?
I don't even remember multiple fittings on the OEM fitting (it's just a 3/8" sender that goes directly into the intake).
tap a large flathead screwdriver into it then turn? i would remove anything nearby that can melt then heat up the area around it with a torch, aluminum expands much faster and more total than steel, a little heat would really help