Liberty Mutual Insurance& Speeding Tickets


May 27, 2005
Its funny I live in PA area for 18 years and have comuted to NYC for that 18 years and every year i would get a Few speeding tickets but since the tickets are out of state i get NO points and my insurance never went up.I could have got 20 tickets a years but still would get no Points and insurance would never go up(what a great state )....
But anyway since i just retired at the age of 45 i really stay in PA most of the time and have gotten 2 speeding tickets in 1 year,dammmm.
Last year i was paying $1650.00 a year with the 2002 stang Gt and when my new years of insurance that just came in for me to pay it went up $50 to $1700.00,Maybe because i had a insurance claim when i did $2000 worth of damage when i hit some road Kill lol.
Funny all these years its been around $1600-$1700 because with the 85 mile drive i would hit a few things on the way to work at 4am a few times a year.
Funny i was a little afraid that my insurance would have really jumped up with the speeding tickets that i have got last year in my home state....
I called HarrisBurg up to find out what they do when you get a out of state ticket and the good folks in harrisburg says not a thing because its out of state.I am sure most states are not like this,and it would be well advised if some of you are going to lose your licence get one from the state of PA.....Johnny