Volldamort said:
Yes, drilling is required. I ordered my kit from GEF Racing and it came with everything I needed, including the pins (excluding the drill

Ditto. There are about a dozen fasteners to drill for. I lined up the back edges with the wheel well openings and taped them in place with packaging tape. Then I added tape to hold it in place as it starts curving around to the front. And then I taped the front loosely just to hold it roughly in place. First I drilled the holes for the two rear corners and fastened them in place. (Because of the angle of the spoiler, and the closeness of the hole to the inside edge of the spoiler, I had to hold it a little INSIDE of where I wanted it to sit - my first hole, because of the angle of the drill bit, held it sticking out past the side of the lower fender too wide - had to drill an new hole in BOTH the spoiler and the fender. After those first two rearward holes, I was generally able to just hold the spoiler in place and drill straight in - the angles didn't screw it up.) Then I skipped one hole and drilled and fastened the 3rd hole on each side. Then I went back and did the 2nd hole. Then the 4th hole on each side. Through these four holes, I kept the spoiler lined up flush with the fender. Now the chin spoiler gradually curves around the front and recedes slightly behind the bumper cover lower edge. I pushed the middle out firmly (not HARD enough to stress and bend everything...but firmly) and drilled and fastened the center. Then I went to the two holes midway on each side of the front center one, and did them, again applying some pressure to hole it as far forward as possible (without pushing too hard). Then I filled in the rest.
I used the available kit, as Voldamort did, but in retrospect I'd probably substitue the plastic push, or push and screw, fasteners with something like the plastic screws and locknuts with washers as Russ did. The factory type fasteners didn't snug it up quite as tight as I'd like (looks o.k. unless you're laying down right in front of the car, though). I'll probably re-do mine something like that - maybe still use the 3 original push fasteners at middle and corners, just cause they fit tighter SIDE-TO-SIDE and locate it a little more positively that way. I'd used the harder screws and locknuts (plastic) for the rest.
Regarding fit. I kind of wanted it to fit flush at the front...but I decided (with some advice I'd read here) that that wouldn't show so much, and I wanted it to fit flush with the wheel well opening and along the sides. Don't regret that one bit - I think it looks much better.
Good luck. You'll like it.