Maximum RPM of stock 4.6


New Member
Jan 30, 2004
Hi all,

My uncle keeps telling me about his coworker who set up his 01 GT with a supercharger on an otherwise stock engine. Long story short, today he tells me that his friend wasn't getting the power he was supposed to, so he had his chip burnt to allow the rev limit to be raised to 8,000rpm!!! Is that right? Being a 5.0 guy myself, I have no idea, so I figured I'd ask the OHV crew for the answer. I would swear his valves would float way before that, let alone get max hp at that rpm level. Is this guy full of $h!t, or are the modular engines capable of that?
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Your buddy is a dope and whoever burnt the chip is a dope too. I think he is pulling your leg. Motor will never last and besides, there is no hp up that high anyway. What would be the point. The 4.6 likes to rev as compared to the 5.0, but it's not a Mazda.
The 4vs are good for the 8000RPM and last. I use to talk crap about those 4cams but damn their there to be reved.

My friend in his LS1 raised the rev limited to 6600rpm and bent all the valves in his heads. The car still ran but not good at all. The pistons had marks from being hit too.