Notice to egg throwers:

a) No malicious intent on your step daughters behalf

b) Sounds like she owned up to it.

You're comparing two things that don't match.

Youre right, but it was the only thing shes actually done i could think of to compare it to. Plus, i took the car to our body shop and had it fixed the next day.

Im extremely strict with her because i clearly remember doing dumb stuff at her age, and i dont want her to fall into the same stuff i did. Then again, i want her to have some freedom to be herself. I refuse to put her in a bubble her whole life.

The way i look at it was, my step dad was a minister. you wanna talk about strict... HA! the dude took every CD i owned and burned it because he thought Stone Temple Pilots were devil music. So, in retalliation, i drove his minivan through a corn field. :D I was grounded for an entire summer because i got a "C" on my report card. So i whacked the front fender of his harley with a mallot. He shipped me to new york for an entire summer of church camp, so i met girls and learned how to do whip-its... thats part of gowing up to me. You learn from experiences. This one however went a little too far. Not every kid grows up with good parents, and they suffer because of it. I mean, look at this poor kid..

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As a parent, you can instill every good thing into your child, but to me... in the end, they are going to make choices for themselves.

I have a hard time believeing all the people that want to kill people or "cut out thier windpipes" for an egging. If it happened to me, i would be furious beyond belief, and i would get the little ****er back in some way, but im not about to waste my life away in prison for it.

Oh, and someone please put a price on strypes head for shooting fireworks at a car :p
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I'm a firm believer in the good ol' fashioned ass-beating. What ever happened to those days? Sure, it's easier to point, shoot, and kill someone. Can't say the urge isn't there in most anyone - even if only for a fleeting moment - when you're on the receiving end of some totally random, unprovoked bullcrap like an egg thrown at your car. Hell, I get madder over things that aren't even entirely intentional, just plain stupid things, like some dumb old guy cutting a U-turn in front of me and causing me to plow into his dumb ass at 45 mph ... THAT will make you wanna kill someone. But really, all in all, a plain ol' ass-stomping is not only effective and educational (to the ass-stompee), but it's also immensely gratifying (to the ass-stomper). Of course, it doesn't help if the twerps run away from their well-earned thumping, or if they're bigger or more physically able than the victim of the random offense (in which case a blunt object like a ball bat or a tire iron become the great equalizer), but really, nothing's better than a proper beat-down to administer serious corporal punishment on the spot and thus hopefully prevent future occurrances.

Guns are for people who are just too lazy to use their fists, boots, and/or a Louisville Slugger. :D
Some punkasses spit tobacco on my car YEARS ago, people that we were kind of cool with. They were mad my friend wouldnt let them in Subway because he was closing and I was hanging out in there? Well over the course of a year or so I got revenge on each of them punkasses. I punked one out good enough that he drove away scared and never came around me again, egged one's truck and beat the **** out of another one behind Food World. Never got anything on the 4th one lol. I never shot anybody though!!!!!
Going on an egg free life

I am truly afraid now. I'm afraid to order breakfast at IHOP with eggs now. Is this a new phobia developing? I am afraid to order the egg sunny side up because it may be grazed by a bullet. Heh heh heh....*long pause of silence*

The eggs in my refrigerator are no exception. I'm afraid if I throw them away, a dozen bullets will come flying out of the trashcan. If I toss them outside, I surely will get hit. I may have to purchase full body armor just to get rid of the eggs. As long as there's no throwing involved...I should be ok. *sweats heavily while telling myself it will be ok*

*sighs* Ok, all I need to do is dig a hole and throw them in the hole. Dammit, that will get me shot also. Maybe if I set them in the hole gently, it may pass.

*stifles snickers* Ahem, but seriously. I could drive out to a vacant corn field or somewheres 50 miles from any civilization. If I threw them at a tree in strict defiance, the tree may shoot me. Ohhhh gawd WHY WHY WHY??? I just wanna live a normal non egg phobia!

I can't throw them away in the trash cause technically I'm "throwing" eggs in some form. Hmmmm, there are a group of troublemakers walking down the street right now. Since they always walk around at midnight and yell at cars when they drive by, maybe I'll give the eggs to those trouble makers and tell them they make good egg throwers. Heh heh heh.

If I wake up in the morning and see big X's and body sketches on the ground, I'll know the eggs went to good use.
I am truly afraid now. I'm afraid to order breakfast at IHOP with eggs now. Is this a new phobia developing? I am afraid to order the egg sunny side up because it may be grazed by a bullet. Heh heh heh....*long pause of silence*

The eggs in my refrigerator are no exception. I'm afraid if I throw them away, a dozen bullets will come flying out of the trashcan. If I toss them outside, I surely will get hit. I may have to purchase full body armor just to get rid of the eggs. As long as there's no throwing involved...I should be ok. *sweats heavily while telling myself it will be ok*

*sighs* Ok, all I need to do is dig a hole and throw them in the hole. Dammit, that will get me shot also. Maybe if I set them in the hole gently, it may pass.

*stifles snickers* Ahem, but seriously. I could drive out to a vacant corn field or somewheres 50 miles from any civilization. If I threw them at a tree in strict defiance, the tree may shoot me. Ohhhh gawd WHY WHY WHY??? I just wanna live a normal non egg phobia!

I can't throw them away in the trash cause technically I'm "throwing" eggs in some form. Hmmmm, there are a group of troublemakers walking down the street right now. Since they always walk around at midnight and yell at cars when they drive by, maybe I'll give the eggs to those trouble makers and tell them they make good egg throwers. Heh heh heh.

If I wake up in the morning and see big X's and body sketches on the ground, I'll know the eggs went to good use.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Holy hell that is hilarious. I pictured you walking back and forth from your fridge contemplating it all :rlaugh: :rlaugh:
Dunson, however, lay injured in a dark alley near the storage facility. About two hours later, his friends returned to the scene and found him dead in a pool of blood.

WTF is with the kids just leaving there shot up friend in the alley????

They knew where he was and his condition and they just left him there?
I am truly afraid now. I'm afraid to order breakfast at IHOP with eggs now. Is this a new phobia developing? I am afraid to order the egg sunny side up because it may be grazed by a bullet. Heh heh heh....*long pause of silence*

The eggs in my refrigerator are no exception. I'm afraid if I throw them away, a dozen bullets will come flying out of the trashcan. If I toss them outside, I surely will get hit. I may have to purchase full body armor just to get rid of the eggs. As long as there's no throwing involved...I should be ok. *sweats heavily while telling myself it will be ok*

*sighs* Ok, all I need to do is dig a hole and throw them in the hole. Dammit, that will get me shot also. Maybe if I set them in the hole gently, it may pass.

*stifles snickers* Ahem, but seriously. I could drive out to a vacant corn field or somewheres 50 miles from any civilization. If I threw them at a tree in strict defiance, the tree may shoot me. Ohhhh gawd WHY WHY WHY??? I just wanna live a normal non egg phobia!

I can't throw them away in the trash cause technically I'm "throwing" eggs in some form. Hmmmm, there are a group of troublemakers walking down the street right now. Since they always walk around at midnight and yell at cars when they drive by, maybe I'll give the eggs to those trouble makers and tell them they make good egg throwers. Heh heh heh.

If I wake up in the morning and see big X's and body sketches on the ground, I'll know the eggs went to good use.

I've found that using eggs is much easier with an aluminum foil hat. Reynold's wrap works the best and you will want to keep the shiny side in toward the scalp. Many times my eggs have gone unused due to my fear of being shot in the back while throwing them in the neighbor's trashcan since theirs got stolen they use mine and think it's a community trashcan but it's not so I call it their's but anyway just try an aluminum foil hat using Reynold's Wrap and that usually does the trick for me and it keeps me current and incoherrent and does wonders for my scalp and dandruff cause it just sort of keeps the natural oils of your hair in place and you can make kewl different shapes with them and use a marker to put your name on it and stuff :)
Well I finally found a way to get rid of the eggs. I swear, profuse sweating and the chronic *****s does this task no justice for how hard it really is. I felt like I was handling live grenades. I was able to gather up the nerve to cook me up a delicious 3 egg meat and veggie omelet. I knew a bullet may have come up through the skillet, so I had to be careful.

I took the rest of the eggs and placed them gently in the trash can in the garage. Maybe 2 seconds later I heard a loud pop at which point I believed bullets were coming out of the trash can. I dove onto several piles of aluminum beer and soda cans in the corner. Not only did that hurt, but I got sticky soda all over me. I also rang my ears something good. Better than getting shot.

Turns out it was the neighbor's El Dorado back firing. Boy...for a minute there I thought I WAS being shot at in my garage! Lesson here? Just say NO to eggs. If you don't, you may find yourself abruptly diving for cover.