So I was installing my Lakewood 70/30 struts this afternoon. Everything was going ok. HAd trouble with one of the piston rod nut but I expected that. So passenger side is done. I'm starting the driver side, unloose all the needed bolts and I'm at the removal of the stock strut. Like I did earlier, I remove it and put it on the floor. I'm just starting to transfer the parts from the stock strut to my new Lakewood and WTF ? I'm missing some FU**** parts on the factory shock ! Can you beleive that there was actually a FU**** moron that took it apart and lost 2 parts or was too stupid to remember where they were going or was too lazy to take the strut back out after he realized he had forgotten some parts ? OMFG I'd like to have a few rounds with that C***. This simple install now turns out into a chitload of troubles. My beater is broken so I cant use it. Now tomorrow, I'll be calling Ford so I can buy those parts. With my luck, none of this chit will be in stock. The car is missing the compression bumper, the sleeve and the upper bushing is damaged because there was no sleeve there. No wonder the car has always been "UNSTRAIGHT" to my eyes..It always leaned on one side more than the other... Look at this pic and check the parts I'm missing.