Saleen S7 Videos and a Cool Traffic Stop

[QUOTE='66 coupe]:rolleyes:
People like you are sad. The guy has a job to do. And considering he's Highway Patrol, those "More serious offenders" aren't normally his business. I'm sure he'd jump on the opportunity to arrest a gang member, or child molester if he got the chance.

Maybe you should go on a ride-along before you start making stupid comments. Maybe the reason he wanted to take the guy to jail is because he's seen things you haven't in your boring life; things like little kids splattered all over the road because some idiot thought it was cool to drive fast. :nonono:[/QUOTE]
Whatever.. your comments are very blanket.
Slander and attack me if you wish I could careless.
If you don't like my opnion than don't type anything in your keyboard.
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Cripes thats all you guys did:eek: .

Anything over 25mph over they "can" arrest you, and 30 is mandatory. I got tagged doing over 100 (ticketed me for 100 or 101) in a 70. Got a nice trip to the jail (since I pulled over due to the situation he took my lic. and let me drive to the ATM and jail) 500$ bond court date. I got slammed with 525$ in fines 2yrs probation and 6 yes 6 points. I had to get an sr22 for 2yrs (thank god it wasnt a DUI sr22 higher risk deal still though).

The county I got it in was between a buddies college and mine, its a HUGE drug traffic route and the cop and ladies were cool at least.
Pennywise2 said:
Whatever.. your comments are very blanket.
Slander and attack me if you wish I could careless.
If you don't like my opnion than don't type anything in your keyboard.

Well maybe if you could back your opinion up with some logic you might not look like such an ass.
Everyone else on here seems to think he let the guy off pretty easy. Especially considering that anyone who owns that car could easily afford that fine. Why do you think he's sad for doing his job?
You just come across as one of those typical "F--- the police" kinda dumbasses. You knew he was Highway Patrol and you still give him **** for writing a ticket?!! If you work at McDonalds I'm not gonna give you **** for asking me if I want fries with my cheeseburger.

So instead of just saying, "I don't care what you think," maybe you can enlighten us as to why you made the comments that you did. Somehow I bet it's all just gonna lead back to some bad experience you had with a TOTALLY different cop. Sad....:nonono:
Police do a nasty job dealing with nasty people.

I grew up next door to a sgt. dectective with the Mo hwy dept (smart mo fo) and my cousins hubby is a cop in Atlanta (got to go on some rid alongs with him). I am 1 class shy of a minor in Crim. J. from the #1 CJ school in arg. the WORLD.

I say this as my personal perception is ALWAYS try and remain calm, clear, and respectfull (sir, maam', yes sir, no sir, ok sir, thank you sir). What I find unfortunate is that the FEW bad apples give the lot a bad rap in some cases, its not fair but it also works both ways. We are responsable for breaking or making that trust.

Yes there are some bad apples who have issues but the are still the law and can make your day alot worse if you let them.
[quote='66 coupe]
If you work at McDonalds I'm not gonna give you **** for asking me if I want fries with my cheeseburger.

You would be surprised at some of the s*** us fast food employees deal with, including what you said you personally would not do people do.

We all have our personal gripes with law enforcement, I'm no exception. I think that when someone is going 1xx and hit a dump truck and splatter their brains they asked for it (thankfully the other driver survived), however, I think that if a guy is going 1xx and an officer P.I.T. manuevers him into a guardrail and then splatters his brains a homicide was just committed. Just my $.02.
HGFireHazard said:
however, I think that if a guy is going 1xx and an officer P.I.T. manuevers him into a guardrail and then splatters his brains a homicide was just committed. Just my $.02.

Sorry, but that's pretty poorly thought out opinion considering the circumstances that would usually warrant a PIT maneuver. A PIT maneuver is a way to end a pursuit so that the fleeing suspect does not endanger more lives.
Cops don't just run up on people and knock them off the road. Usually if they resort to a PIT, the fleeing suspect has had PLEANTY of time to pull over. The fact that the suspect did not pull over makes them just as stupid as the guy who plows into a dump truck; so really there is no difference.

You also seem to forget that the cops will try not to endanger the suspect when doing a PIT, but above all the safety of innocent bystanders should be the top priority.
I personally cannot stand most cops I have encountered. But driving 125mph definately warrants some punishment. As metioned before. $300 some odd dollars doesn't seem all that bad. Jail maybe or maybe not, that just depends on the situation.

To me, it seems like reckless behavior definately deserves punishment. What I don't like is when I'm driving the speed limit, haven't had a drink and I get pulled over. Then they tell me my eyes are red and I smell like alcohol, when there hasn't been a drop in me or my car all night. Then pull me out of the car and make me do a stupid sobriety check on the side of the road with no cause whatsoever. That's when a cop is an ***hole, not when he is protecting people from others recklessness.
[quote='66 coupe]

Sorry, but that's pretty poorly thought out opinion considering the circumstances that would usually warrant a PIT maneuver. A PIT maneuver is a way to end a pursuit so that the fleeing suspect does not endanger more lives.
Cops don't just run up on people and knock them off the road. Usually if they resort to a PIT, the fleeing suspect has had PLEANTY of time to pull over. The fact that the suspect did not pull over makes them just as stupid as the guy who plows into a dump truck; so really there is no difference.

You also seem to forget that the cops will try not to endanger the suspect when doing a PIT, but above all the safety of innocent bystanders should be the top priority.


I would have appreciated a little less grunt in your statement about my opinion... but okay. I think any time someone tries to spin out another vehicle they are asking for trouble whether they inteded it or not. Furthermore I don't need to justify my opinion just because it's that, my opinion. As far as I am concerned a badge and flashing lights don't give you the right to break the law yourself. No that doesn't mean I think we don't need police, we do, but... nm, just forget I said anything.
HGFireHazard said:
Furthermore I don't need to justify my opinion just because it's that, my opinion.

Do you NEED to? Not really. But if you can't, maybe you should re-evaluate you're thinking.:shrug:

As far as I am concerned a badge and flashing lights don't give you the right to break the law yourself.

I agree. But how does this apply to this thread?
As far as I am concerned, the sky is blue. But stating random truths doesn't mean they have anything to do with the subject of this thread.
If you're talking about a cop killing someone with a PIT maneuver(it can happen, but not usually), if the officer was cleared to perform the maneuver(depending on the requirements of his dept.), he has done nothing illegal.

It just bothers me that so many people hold such uneducated biases against the people that risk their lives to protect them. Like blksn955.o said, a couple bad apples can make the rest look bad. But the way I see it, if people pulled their heads out of their asses, they'd see that there are a lot of good cops out there; more good ones than bad ones. It's not an easy job dealing with the people they deal with, then putting up with someone else second guessing your split second decisions; maybe we should give them a lot more respect than they get.
You'd think with tom. being 9/11 people would remember.
[QUOTE='66 coupe]
It just bothers me that so many people hold such uneducated biases against the people that risk their lives to protect them. Like blksn955.o said, a couple bad apples can make the rest look bad. But the way I see it, if people pulled their heads out of their asses, they'd see that there are a lot of good cops out there; more good ones than bad ones. It's not an easy job dealing with the people they deal with, then putting up with someone else second guessing your split second decisions; maybe we should give them a lot more respect than they get.
You'd think with tom. being 9/11 people would remember.[/QUOTE]
Most people dont like cops becasue how you said, there are some bad apples. And another reason is becasue cops give out tickets that the people that get them have to pay money. I hate getting tickets just as much as the next guy, but I know he was doing his job.
Right on (to you '66, not Guero... lol), last OT post for me in this thread. I have tons of respect for police officers and the jobs that they do, I would never want that job. I've been helped significantly several times in my life by police and don't know what would have happened without their intervention, however I have also had some extremely poor 'adventures' with them as well. In any case, the sky is blue '66 :)

No longer OT. That video owned, what a sound.
The Green GT said:
And another reason is becasue cops give out tickets that the people that get them have to pay money. I hate getting tickets just as much as the next guy, but I know he was doing his job.

But you have the right attitude.:nice:
I don't like getting tickets either, but I've always accepted the fact that I deserved them. I never even took any ticket I got to court; just paid and took the classes so no points.
If you don't think you deserve a ticket. Go to court. Maybe the officer made a mistake, or maybe he's one of the dicks. Who knows?
But if you deserve the ticket, just man up and pay it. People complaining about getting tickets they deserve just shows a lack of maturity IMO.

You seem to know what you are talking bout, but try not to look like an a**hole next time...

Eh...I tried to watch my wording, but it's hard when you're typing. I wasn't trying to be a dick, but sometimes the only way to get your point across is to be blunt. If someone's acting stupid, sometimes you just have to punch them in the head, and tell them, "Hey! You're acting stupid!" :rlaugh:
IF I OWNED A S7 twin turbo:D I wouldnt be able to drive it because i would have my liscence taken away:( from having tooo many tickets:nonono:
;;the traffic out there suxs that if I had that s7 on that highway i would have to have a police escort to get off it:rolleyes: , mmkay.

If you had one i dont think the brakes would bother you that much!
[QUOTE='66 coupe]

Eh...I tried to watch my wording, but it's hard when you're typing. I wasn't trying to be a dick, but sometimes the only way to get your point across is to be blunt. If someone's acting stupid, sometimes you just have to punch them in the head, and tell them, "Hey! You're acting stupid!" :rlaugh:[/QUOTE]

LOL thats true, especially on the net. Were we dont know how you are, or the way you express yourself. Any way, some cops are cool, some are not. Me and my freinds got kicked out of Jerome, Arizona, by a cop for being mexican(honestly), it was like 20 of whites and beaners and we all got kicked out cuz they were with us. And some cops pulled me over and just said to slow down and complimented my car. I have no problem with most cops, and im in the proces of turning in an application myself
but some speeding tickets are stupid though. I got pulled over for going 6 over and got ticketed, 125 bucks to go to school. 2 weeks later i get pulled over in the same spot going 4 over. now that just ridiculous in my opinion
Guero said:
2 weeks later i get pulled over in the same spot going 4 over. now that just ridiculous in my opinion

Damn. 5 over is a warning here(One cop gave me a printout of what qualifies for what when you get a ticket). I've actually passed FHP cruisers as I was only going 5 over.

I've known cops that wouldn't pull people over for speeding, because they would speed themselves. I've been in a cruiser doing 90 in a neighborhood. Deputies here have a lot of ground to cover, so they move fast.:D
if i when i hopefully become a cop, i dont think ill pull to many people over, unless its like ridicilous fast or just plain studip, oh and if it has a fart can lol jk