I posted this on another board and thought I'd share here as well:

Apparently the owners of Saleen have laid off 40 employees, including several Saleen executives. This sounds like the actions of a company that intends to finish out its current run of '07 cars and then shut down for good, but who knows for sure:

My initial thought was perhaps this is due to the end of the GT40 run, or maybe a shake up to turn around the company. But why let go of the finance, engineering, and design executives while retaining operations-oriented positions unless you are in a wind-down mode and therefore not designing new cars and planning for their future production?

I hope this is a turn-around move and not a shut down. Hopefully, we will get some clear indication from Saleen soon.

This happens every 3-4 years or so at Saleen. Steve does not own the company any longer so there are a group of old white guys deciding what to do from Michigan now. It is true that the big Ford money dried up many months ago after the end of the Ford GT run. Saleen has not been profitable for a long time now. If I had a dollar for every time Saleen has had money problems I could buy a second home on the Strand.

My bet is someone actually audited what has been going on since they opened SSV and realized the hole in the ship was larger than they thought. Firing multiple execs at decent pay is just the first step to re-stabilization. I mean the VP of Engineering isn't even an engineer. Maybe this will fix what I see in the parking lot down in Irvine every time I visit. ( a new E55 or E63 ) parked in front of Saleen is just wrong anyway.
I definitely hope this is the start of (yet another) turnaround, and not a shut down.

It kills me that Saleen and Ford cannot come up with a way to turn out limited production, well-designed, high performance cars and make a profit doing so. Since buying my S281SC last fall, I have had several colleagues, friends, and neighbors say they would have bought a car that looked and handled like mine if they had even known such cars exist.


I just heard about a magazine article that came out about saleen sitting down with Chevrolet to begin production of the new Camaro. This could be one of the consequences.