See the pics of the charredbus? Why the Hell can't the emergency people open lanes!?


Active Member
Jun 10, 2005
"The bus accident turned a historic evacuation already delayed by endless traffic jams into a nightmare. It caught fire in the early morning darkness on Interstate 45 south of Dallas and closed the highway. The vehicle's charred hulk blocked lanes, with a long string traffic stuck behind it."

Alright so the bus is toast. Now its just sitting there and the emergency people are taking up ALL the lanes for like hours. You mean to tell me they can't open up at least one FREAKING lane for these people stuck in HOURS of traffic?? Makes ABSOLUTELY no sense. You could see on camera that there is PLENTY of room to go around the bus if the emergency trucks and cars were'nt scattered with oodles of space all over. Something is dead wrong with that one!! :fuss: :notnice:
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BlueOvalStangGT said:
Hack The Planet!

Dunno what that means. It makes me wonder about how accidents are handled in general. We have lots of accidents around here. Must be a better way to do it than blocking every darn lane and holding half the world up.
LOL, I still have no idea what the phrase "Hack the Planet" has to do with my post.. This is the only thing I could find on it.

"Re: RE: Boredom by WhackedOut (4:37pm EST Mon Apr 15 2002)
Hackers are always ethical, crackers generally are the more black-hat side to things. But I guess the two are so closely linked. I would call myself a hacker. Although sometimes I realise I do suck compared to many other people. But hey, I'm 15 years old and have been fascinated with computer since age 8. I run my own home network, and use *n*x systems daily.
I found a VBScript vulnerability on my school network and the first thing I did was to show the staff/admin. I guess its no fun if no-one knows (minus the feds knowing ) ), and besides, I mean no harm to any computer/user.
Hack the planet! Hacking needs to be done with the right frame of mind for it to be ethical, with the frame of mind of exploration and learning, not destruction and malice.
(Mmmm i lost concentration 3 times in this post so sorry if its disjointed, yah i know damn teenager etc. etc) - by by Riftor
RE:RIFTOR (5:38pm EST Mon Apr 15 2002)
You are a hacker and 15 years old? you are a ****ed up teenager with no life. You must suck for sure. You are a little script kiddie bitch. You are a Piece of *****, that's what you are Mr. Crachead. **** off and go drink your milk 'cuz it's getting cold. - by -- "