Subframe Alignment


Sep 10, 2003
When I had my car on the lift last weekend I noticed it was hard to open the door to my car. Obviously, the lift was uneven and was twisting the car slightly.

My question is: When you install subframe connectors how do you know that your car is not all twisted and out of wack when it's on the lift? It would really suck to weld up subframes then find out you welded them in when your car was already twisted..

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You should not have the subframes welded while the car is lifted by the body, exactly for the reason you described. The car needs to be lifted by the wheels or have the wheels placed on stands while the subframes are welded.
Skud said:
That's what I figured. I wonder how many people out there had them welded when the car was on a 2 post lift??

Thanks guy.. :nice:


I knew somebody that did that a few years ago. The car felt really wierd after that. LOL

The best way to do it is find a shop with a drive on lift.