the Fast and the Furious-Tokyo drift

5.0ina66 said:
the fb is a green 68 with a turbo nissan inline 6...shoot me now...bleh

It was actually the engine out of the yellow R33 that was in the first movie.
I heard the plot is that the American guy with the Mustang blows his engine, and since he's in Japan, can't find a Ford replacement in time for some race. Makes sense I guess...

I would not waste my time watching trash ricers even for free.

I agree. TF&TF series has totally fueled the ricer movement. But I still have both movies, cause me and my friends get drunk and watch them as comedies.
But your comment just reminded me of this story I have to share.
For like two weeks I worked at a really reputable shop for domestics. The guys that ran the place were total know-it-alls and I thought they treated the customers like ignorant trash(why I left). Well a kid from another shop came in with an R33 Skyline to buy race gas, and one of the owners made some comment to the extent of, "What kind of import junk is this? The steering wheel's on the wrong side." For an All-knowing car guy, he had no clue that "junk" car could do.
In a nutshell, the long-term damage movies like that can do is great. Kids watch those movies and walk out thinking only ricers are cool. In turn they buy rice. Long term once you start with a brand you stay with it unless something dramatic changes your perspective. We wind up with a bunch of consumers who only buy imported asian built cars. In turn that drives US companies into bankruptcy, and our economy dies because we are supporting another country's economy vice putting the money back into our own future.

yup. that's why I drive american. I started w/ford and evolved to mercury and HD.

Never liked rice, too small
CochinoFilipino said:
This just reminded me the the old "fast & furious' dude just did a movie where he was driving a 67 convertilble stang.

Shortly after the original F&F; he drove a 65 (ifI remember correctly) GTO in "XXX" Of course, some of the GTO's were in fact re-badged Tempests with Chevy 350/Turbo 350 combos. Can anybody say "Just like the GISS remake?"

But, then he did another movie ("The Babysitter" ?) that had him returning to his F&F roots - a Navy Seal driving a mini-van!