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Aug 17, 2006
I want to know why u banned me again, i dit nothing wrong this time, and on top of that , i emailed the webmaster, and here is the email, i recieved back from him, stating that i can rejoin stangnet, as long as i dont start acting as i did in the past. I cant believe u banned me again. especially after, most of the people said that they could forgive me, all i did was say sorry and ask for a second chacne, and u laughed in my face, and made to be an idiot. what gives.?

Tony, I saw your actions and the 2nd account you created.

You may create another account if you wish, but please don't start things up again regarding your history. Turn the page and press on, amigo. ;)

On 8/17/06, tonys88lx @ Mustang Forums at StangNet <[email protected]> wrote:
The following message was sent to you via the Mustang Forums at StangNet Contact Us form by tonys88lx.


i dont know if this is the right person to contact, but i was a ******* and got banned for disrespectful comments, i didnt mean for everyone to take my comments , posts and whatever i said so serioisly, If there is anything i can do to be unbannned i will do it, i have been on stangnet for 6 years, i forgot my old username and password, so this is why i have the new one from this july, stangnet has taught me everything i know about mustangs and there is an invaluable source of knowledge on this site. not all my posts were bad tho. if u look back u can see the ones where i tried to help others and stuck up for others. I promise if u give me a second chance i will change my rude ways and keep them for the lounge forum on mustangworld.com. im begging for a second chance, plz give a fellow stanger a break. i dont want to have to get a new email, and rejoin , then i will have to be lowkey and pretend im a new guy. thanks anthony


Referring Page: http://forums.stangnet.com/
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User Name: tonys88lx
User ID: 110196

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and u should be :ban: again for not following the email from the webmaster....it says not to bring up past history and you still are.....i dont say much around here anymore, but i have been here for a pretty long time and have no time when new people come to stangnet and dont respect others or the website
im not giving up, specially since i was told i could join, the second time, see the letter above, and he still banned me , totally uncalled for. ya i want to be on stangnet that badly, there is more info on here and quicker repsonses than any other , mustang forum, this is the biggest and best of them all.
first off im not tryin to have a pissing contest with you...secondly i was talking about not the apology thread but this thread...u juss dont get it by starting this thread your still discussing old things...if you had any brain you make your new account and not say anything for a while....fly under the radar for a month or so till things cool down and not bring up the past at all
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