turkey sammich!!


Cookies should never be DUNKED!!!
Aug 3, 2004
atl ga
Ok well basically I wanted a damn turkey sammich after work. So I made one and ate it.

2 slices of white bread- toasted for best taste!
2 full 8 inch peices of bacon cut into half to make 4 peices of 4 inch
3 Peices of "Deli Fresh" turkey
1 peice of american cheese
12 shims of pepperoni, for a lil spice
and a small bit of lettuce and Mayo for lubrication

Here are some ****ty phone pics

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thats kinda gross lookin. If its a turkey sammich cant have anything other then turkey man, mayo is acceptible, but nothing else.

And looks like you left it in the toaster for alittle too long
grey5.0beast said:
that a weird combo...

It actually wasn't burnt and was pristine condition and build, till I crashed it

into my mouth

Remind me to never purchase a turkey sammich from you unless I run a TurkeyFax report, before hand. Shady Turkey Sammich dealers just bum me out.