TwEECer Update should be released SOON!!!


15 Year Member
Mar 31, 2005
Thought I would bring this up for you guys too....

From the tweecer yahoo board...

Yes ... I seen that as well

As well ... I've seen all the updates come and go

To this very day .........

I still use 1.20 simply because
1.30 CalEdit/CalCon is not stable

There have been at least three versions
Not ONE of them has been stable and or bug free

Don't misunderstand me here
Tweecer offers good value with pcm changes AND datalogging
in spite of bugs or quirkiness


Does it seem right one of the original customers who has on many
occasions recommended the product to others, has learned the hard way,
to avoid the latest and greatest software offering and watch others to see
how good or bad their results have been with updates.

I say ... NO! ... That ain't right

1.20 was out for at least a year
I'm pretty sure a good bit more
Not once was a fix offered to allow 94-95 CBAZA users to .........
simultaneously datalogg both act and ect temps
or datalog ect temps

No Sir
I for one ...... will not be quickly jumping on the .......
OH Boy! ... New Software Bandwagon

I wanna see if it is an improvement
One bug fix is traded for another bug ...... later found
Any other downside

Hey ... I see it like this

Fool Me Once ... Shame on You
Fool Me Twice ... Shame on Me for ... Not Learning

The 94-95 CBAZA pcm was included in the first batch of interface offerings
There's been plenty of time for the first loyal users to have a stable product!

This is a public forum ... I'm well aware of that
I thought carefully before speaking out in this thread
I honestly don't think I'm out of line here
Anybody who wants to say they have issues with these words .......

I will be willing to say ... I made a mistake
You should be able to show you had different findings than me

Final closing thought in this post

Words spoken here ... not in anger
Words spoken in disappointment
Words spoken showing just how it really has been from the very get go

So Grady, tell me how you REALLY feel! You do bring up a good point however, if what you are using works for you and you don't think you need any of the improvements or fixes in the software then definitely stick with what works... nothing wrong at all with that. That is just plain smart.

As a software developer myself I see both sides of the issue with past releases. After messing w/ the new beta, however, it looks like things are on the right track.

If anything, it is worth downloading for the new and improved "Getting Started" PDF.

The CBAZA definitions have been updated as well - lots more functions/scalars/tables available.

The ability to compare binaries/tunes is included.

DataQ USB support is there as well.

I'll keep everyone posted on my experience with the new versions... so far it's been positive.

Hello Wes

I like being called smart
Reality is more like

I benefit more from my hard leaned mistakes
Observing other peeps outcome with projects
as opposed to ... any kind of
Original smart thoughts or ideas I might come up with

Yes Version 1.20 works for me
Only kinda sorta

I can't ... see both ECT & ACT in my data logs at the same time
I can't ... see ECT in my data logs ... at all

I choose to put up with those issues
rather than
Deal with other negative issues in V1.30

Here are just a couple of many issues I've seen others complain about

1) Filtering data logs for errors before analyzing my data
2) Corrupting current file if I forget to check some option box before saving

Those two alone are just unacceptable IMHO

SO YEAH ... I think it is fair to say I need a ... as you called it .........
"fix or improvement"

As a software developer myself I see both sides of the issue with past releases. After messing w/ the new beta, however, it looks like things are on the right track.

It is important to me to always try
and give others my best wishes in their efforts
here is no different
I been burned before
I smelled this smell before
This path you speak of ... It looks all too familiar
I somehow ... Well ... I'm a bit Leary about runnin down it ... just now

We will see if this time ... its any different
I ain't gonna hose up my files, laptop registry, or anything like that

If anything, it is worth downloading for the new and improved "Getting Started" PDF.

Good for you ... You see that as a benefit

As for me ... I got started years ago ... I have no use for that
I do still wanna be able to ... after years I might add
See My Friggin act/ect temps

The CBAZA definitions have been updated as well - lots more functions/scalars/tables available.

The ability to compare binaries/tunes is included.

DataQ USB support is there as well.

Improvements are great ... thats for sure
Spending all that time on them and not taking care of bugs for customers

Honestly ... Should there be anything said here
Is not plainly obvious to anyone ... customer service has been slighted
I feel I'm being quite reasonable and nice with my choice of words here

I'll keep everyone posted on my experience with the new versions... so far it's been positive.


Thats kind of you to do that
For all Tweecer users ..........
I hope these new changes are ALL good changes

If so ... I'll join all you Version 130B3IG guinea pig users later on

Where do we get the A10 version. still has A9 up.

A10 was only ever available on the SHONut site. The SHO guys were testing that version, it wasn't meant for full release.

I thought about you as I posted.
I didn't think you would be the first to switch over

I get where your coming from...

when messing around with the new version earlier, I found the infamous
"Update Only" box was checked by default again.
This is the check box Grady mentioned above, which randomly corrupts your tune.
I don't know if the curruption problem has been fixed or not, but it does seem that the box tends to be checked by default.

Can someone else confirm this?

It is possible to download multiple versions of CalEdit on your machine.
For a while I was running both A9 and A10 on my laptop.


My understanding is that the "Update Only" checkbox flags only the portions of the binary file that have been changed and updates only those. I've never used it and have never had it toggle on for me. (A9 & A10)

I have both A10 and the newest beta installed in separate directories - no problems, both co-exist together well. I've even got a tricky setup where the datalog and CCF folders for both version are each mapped to the same directory that is located in "My Documents" so that I can get to it easier than trudging through Program Files every time - it's a symbolic link feature of NTFS for those familiar with *nix.

The instructions and also where to get the latest build are at:

One thing to note is that A10 is *NOT* the latest build.


It's good of you to let all know the latest news about the Tweecer

It was not my intent to diminish your efforts with my comments

I just wanted to show others ........
Past updates were not ... entirely all that many expected

Just words of caution ... the all new & improved latest thing ... might not be

Again, I wish for all Tweecer users out there ...........
1) A stable AND bug free CalEdit
2) A stable AND bug free CalCon


Wes and Jason

Thanks for keeping me from spreading bad info about .........
A10 being the latest and greatest release

I saw it in the first post in the quote and thought it to be correct

After reading it several more times, I see what Mike was trying to say

My bad and I hope I did not cause confusion for others!

I'll edit my original post to the correct Version as per your info here.

Grady, no offense taken.
just thought I would bring it up... it makes for good conversation if nothing else...

Besides, you can lead a horse to water, but...

Stanger007, I am surprised to hear you haven't had issues with the 'update only' box.

Maybe the bug is/was strategy based?
I have spoken to others who had the same issues, but I don't remember if they were GUFB or what?

Anyway, I look forward to hearing what others think on the update....

Stanger007, I am surprised to hear you haven't had issues with the 'update only' box.

Maybe the bug is/was strategy based?
I have spoken to others who had the same issues, but I don't remember if they were GUFB or what?

I'm not sure why I never had problems - I've always used CBAZA and had no problems. A couple friends of mine that I've worked closely with on their twEECers also never had this problem. (both CBAZA as well)

Update Only box... .

Maybe thats why I am having issues???? I never have payed attention to that...or knew TO pay attention to that???? That is one thing I hate about how I treat my car hobby. I walk away from it for a month to months at a time and come back with cobwebs .

What exactly do you do/look at to make sure it does not update only?

It is good to hear there "might" be a final software program coming out...I am not holding my breath though.

Tweecer always reminds me of Microsoft and its windows releases. There are always bugs and fixes...not that a company of its size and power cant make sure things are stable and bug free to rush out that FREE software .
I'm not sure why I never had problems - I've always used CBAZA and had no problems. A couple friends of mine that I've worked closely with on their twEECers also never had this problem. (both CBAZA as well)


You know what Wes?

Now that I know what you do for a living

I can say I know nothing about all that stuff
I've wondered about several things and if they could cause problems

Maybe you can shed some light here

When V1.30 first came out, some were not happy.
They tried to go back to 1.20
They reported of issues like error pop ups, crashes,
a more unstable operation
said their software was not the same since the change

Not long after seeing those kinds of reports
several reported the problem was ........
something to do with 1.20 and 1.30 both being present in the registry
reported they had to go to the trouble of ensuring one or the other only
was present in the registry

Having said that ............
Seeing for myself how every now and then
I noticed quirky behavior which could be fixed by ...........
Loading my latest file on all 4 switch positions

I often wondered if peeps loading a Fox file on one switch position
for an easy way to clear K's
Well ... Maybe that was causing some intermittent glitch

It was all too clear to me ... this software was just not all that stable

I stayed with 1.20 and did not upload any fox files in an attempt to avoid
the hassles I had seen others complain about
With the exception of having to reload all 4 switch positions sporadically

My 1.20 CalEdit and CalCon was pretty stable.

Like you said, I've only worked with CBAZA

I don't know ... just things I've seen with others & my own findings

What exactly do you do/look at to make sure it does not update only?
My "Update Only" is at the bottom of CalEdit, version A9, A10 and B3.

Maybe you can shed some light here
I've never loaded v1.20 so perhaps that would explain my good luck. The OCX and twEECer drivers (read: how the computer talks to the twEECer) most likely were upgraded between the two versions as they were again for B3 - maybe something was not updated that should have been when going from v1.20 to a higher version?

There are some uninstall instructions in the "Getting Started" manual that show how to completely remove the software from your system as well as an uninstall file in the program directory.

I have my twEECer setup with an A9L/GFUB on postion 1 and the the rest of my CBAZA tunes on 2-4. When I write my new tunes I just make sure the progress meter that shows the write takes about 5 seconds and does not update instantly - if it takes place instantly the new tune doesn't get written. (this appears to be fixed in B3)

Another cool bit of software that is very powerful is TunerPro. I've used it to see some values not available in the A9/10 versions of CalEdit. It can also save to *.bin files and do quite a few other things if you are so inclined.

After messing with TunerPro you will see how "easy" the twEECer software is - TunerPro requires knowing a bit about what you are actually editing in the binaries but to be fair it is free, updated often and relatively new.

Once I put my supercharger on I plan on nailing down the tune and then putting the tune on a Moates chip - removing my twEECer in the process. The twEECer is destined for an EFI project on my '72 Mach 1 but that's a whole 'nother story.

Thought I would bring this one back to the top

The new software has been out a while now

Use the provided link to see .........

Some say it is an improvement

Some say it is not

I have come to a conclusion about the various Versions of CalEdit
The other methods to modify the bin file with the Tweecer

Opinions are motivated by application needs
One's knowledge about digging into the files with editors and such

anyway ... just in case you have not seen it

Thanks Grady,

But the linky no worky...

I have also never had a problem with this. Been using the Tweecer for a year.
You guys that have never had a problem with the 'Update Only' checkbox...
Are you in the habit of making minor changes to a tune, then loading it to the tweecer without saving the file first?
I think the problem only came up for me when I didn't save the tune before loading to the tweecer.

Sorry I don't know what is wrong

I could open it with just a click
I could open it by copy & paste in a new FF tab

Never the Less ... you can see the thread at

Maybe that one will work


Any of you guys using TunerPro or Clint's BinEditor?

Any of you guys using TunerPro or Clint's BinEditor?

I've got TunerPro and use it - I would venture to say that if the twEECer software throws you for a loop, TunerPro will really mess with your head. You'll have to know a bit about the physical structure of the files you are editing in order to edit them.

It's great if you want to make a BIN of your tune (this is what I use it for).
