Vancouver/Portland people going to Belleve show 7/17 Sunday morning, we meet at....


Founding Member
Aug 18, 2002
Vancouver, WA
I was orginally planning on going up Saturday, but I am unable to, so I will be cruising up Sunday morning. Anybody intrested, here is where I will be..179th and I-5 (fairgrounds exit) there is a Chevron gas station on west side of Freeway. Meet at 5:15 am...we leave at 5:30am for the cruise up. We usually stop for breakfast, and should arrive at the show close to 8:30 am.
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89SportVert said:
I'll be there in the red turd...

John, I am glad you will be able to attend the show this yr. Was not sure if you were going to be able to drive, but thats great. Hopefully I will see you either at Chevron if you planning on meeting us for the cruise up Sunday morning, or I will see you at the show...either way, should be great to have you around :nice:
i'm not in but ben (dna doa) want's to go up so i'll call him with this info. are you leaving at 5:15am sharp!? have fun guy's peace

john :p

Probably will wait till 5:30 before leave cruise John. Then stop for breakfast near Centerville area..should arrive at BCC around 8:30am :nice: