video to pc


Jun 27, 2003
I have a sony ccd-trv615, which is about 8 years old :rolleyes: . On the camera it has red,white, and yellow plug ins. Red & White for audio, yellow for video. I can just hook it up to the tv and watch it on there, but I also want to get it on computer. I have an audigy 2 zs sound card, asus p4p800 motherboard, and a regular radeon 9500 pro.

Do I need to buy a capture card, or do they make something that transfers the red, white and yellow cables to firewire?

I have been reading, and it sounds eaiser with a newer camera, but I dont have the money for that. I know you people post video every now and then to.
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A quick google search turned up some RCA to Firewire converters, but they're all in the $300 plus range. Video capture cards can be found in the $50 range, so I'd say that's your best bet.