Engine Pro Comp 24026 Intake Manifold


I wish I didn't have all of these balls in the air
15 Year Member
Dec 6, 2005
Marietta, Ga
After many attempts at finding honest info about this manifold turned up almost nothing but "Don't buy the Chinese knock-off, it's un-American!" posts, I bit the bullet and bought one anyway. It was a question of money, as most things are, and I couldn't afford to pay Edelbrock prices if something similar was available for cheaper. I am sure there are many of us out there in that boat, so I am posting pics and my thoughts on the product I purchased. I bought it off Ebay from speedmasterusadc for $148/free shipping. It took about a week to get it from California to Atlanta. Anyway, on to the manifold......

A few of the actual informative posts I found stated lots of casting flash. I didn't find this to be the case. The machine work seems to be adequate and it looks like it will bolt on without an issue. I went ahead and ran a tap through all the tapped holes to be on the safe side and did cut some material in a couple holes, but it didn't seem to be major. I have unported Twisted Wedge's on my engine, so I went with the FelPro 1250 gasket and gasket matched the intake. There was plenty of material to work with and my die grinder and carbide burr made pretty quick work of it. I also milled the center divider as the Eddy looks to have that feature. I cut it about .500 down on the short side, milled it horizontally to the deck roughly 2 inches long. I don't have the measurements with me at the moment, but going from memory, the ports measured roughly 1.10 x 1.85. (I will double check later and update if this is incorrect.)

Without further ado, the pics I took.....

April 5 197.jpg

April 5 198.jpg

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April 5 200.jpg
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My apologies for not getting any updates about this if anyone was interested. It also may be some time before I am able to get to it. I was in a head on collision the day after posting this and am wheelchair bound as of right now. I am hopeful that I can be back on my feet sometime in the fall and will try to update/finish this post at that time.
I've used several Pro-Comp pieces from several vendors, including Speedmasters over the years. Never had a problem with the quality.

My apologies for not getting any updates about this if anyone was interested. It also may be some time before I am able to get to it. I was in a head on collision the day after posting this and am wheelchair bound as of right now. I am hopeful that I can be back on my feet sometime in the fall and will try to update/finish this post at that time.

Well, I've seen you post since then, so I know you're still around, hope all is well now.

Any updates on this?
No, not yet. While I am no longer wheelchair bound, I am still not getting around as well as I need to to get to work on the car seriously. I have abandoned the wheelchair and started cleaning the carport/garage as well as got a couple small projects done on the car. For example, I ordered my Georgia plates right before the accident and they have been sitting and waiting until recently.

(hopefully I remember how to post pics....)

I realize I didn´t post about my accident and injuries, so maybe I should. I don´t mean it for sympathy or anything else, just to inform people of what happened. I was on my way home from working 3rd shift when the other guy fell asleep at the wheel, crossed a few lanes of traffic and hit me head on. While I really have no memory of anything other than about the last week of my hospital stay, I was extracted from the car and stayed in the hospital for about 3 weeks. I sustained a concussion and head laceration, fractured sternum, 2 broken ribs on my left side, broken left pinky finger, broken left femur in 2 places, fractured left knee cap and shattered right calcaneus (heel bone). My heel had to be reconstructed using cadaver bone and I had to have a rod in my leg. After I got home, I still had to have nurses and appointments for the open wound on my foot. From what I´ve been told, my foot basically looked like hamburger and it has taken quite some time for it to scar over. Since I´ve not been able to really stand or walk for a while, my muscles atrophied and I lost quite a bit of strength which I am trying to regain through physical therapy as well as trying to regain balance. I now walk with a cane and get tired pretty easily compared to before, but seem to improve almost daily. I am hopeful that I will be walking as close to normal as possible by time Mustang Week comes in July as I have already booked our lodging and plan to take the Cobra as well as a long time friend with his 04 Mach 1 (the blue one in my profile pic). But I do intend to write up my thoughts on the manifold and how it performs when I get the chance, which might be a little while yet. :)
Although I still haven't gotten the Cobra back together yet, I figured I could post a couple pics of what I did before the accident. Someone on the Fox forums was asking about the seller Speedmaster which prompted me to dig this thread up for reference.

Here are my roughly finished ports. They now measure about 1.2 x 2.0. Looks like I will still have to finish them.....


Here is the milled center divider:

With the addition of the wife's 2 new projects as well as some concrete construction work for my new garage happening, I still haven't gotten anywhere with the Cobra. I can't wait til the garage is built! I'll have SOOO much more room!!! My wife actually brought up putting a lift in when we get it built to make it easier on me since I have a hard time getting up and down off the floor now. I guess I have some more shopping to do! But ground was just broken on Wednesday and I plan on framing the building, so I guess I have some time.....
Ok! After some miscellaneous stuff: troubleshooting the 87 GT, cleaning the car port and working a little on our basement kitchen/bar among other things.... - I can finally conclude this thread! I've been fighting with the 302 trying to get it to run right after putting everything together and have mostly got it nailed down. When I tore the engine apart, I didn't mess with the distributor, so I've been leaving that alone until today. Long story short, the timing was WAY off! I had to have done it when I had it together the first time. But anyway, on to the manifold.....

I've only driven it maybe 3 miles since getting it to run right, but so far I believe it to be a superior performing product than the Offy 360 I had on there to begin with. It seems to have a little more grunt down low, as one would expect going from what is basically a single plane to a dual plane. There were no fitment issues what-so-ever, my Holley bolted to it just fine. One thing of note, there isn't a lot of vacuum ports to attach to, so a vacuum tee would probably be a good thing if one were in need of different vacuum connections. I haven't noticed any leakage around the coolant connections either. I also don't believe it to be a bad looking piece! The only thing giving away that it is a cheap knock-off is the "Pro Comp" imprint on the runner. So, all around first impression of this manifold: I believe it to be a good buy! :nice: Especially if one were looking at experimenting with port work or machining different areas since it is basically an Eddy RPM Air Gap for quite a bit less money.


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Gonna revive my old thread about this manifold.... :D

I was leaving a show (spectating only) and had to make a U-turn on a 4 lane. Once I got around the median I punched it, then shifted to second gear when the car decided to try and go sideways on me. It never did that with the Offy - it would go, but not like that!! The only thing I did to the car this year was took my carb back to stock jetting and installed a power valve that was appropriate for the vacuum the engine was producing, It was probably a combination of the 2 things (the carb and the intake) why she seems to have picked up some grunt. I'd really like to take the car to a dyno tuner and let them have a hand at the carb since I know it's running rich, but there are too many irons in the fire right now to worry about that. Unfortunately I wasn't shooting a video, I had the stuff with me, I just opted to not do it since it was a decent distance from home. Some day.....
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Since this tread goes hand in hand, I'm linking it here:
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No, not yet. While I am no longer wheelchair bound, I am still not getting around as well as I need to to get to work on the car seriously. I have abandoned the wheelchair and started cleaning the carport/garage as well as got a couple small projects done on the car. For example, I ordered my Georgia plates right before the accident and they have been sitting and waiting until recently.

(hopefully I remember how to post pics....)

I realize I didn´t post about my accident and injuries, so maybe I should. I don´t mean it for sympathy or anything else, just to inform people of what happened. I was on my way home from working 3rd shift when the other guy fell asleep at the wheel, crossed a few lanes of traffic and hit me head on. While I really have no memory of anything other than about the last week of my hospital stay, I was extracted from the car and stayed in the hospital for about 3 weeks. I sustained a concussion and head laceration, fractured sternum, 2 broken ribs on my left side, broken left pinky finger, broken left femur in 2 places, fractured left knee cap and shattered right calcaneus (heel bone). My heel had to be reconstructed using cadaver bone and I had to have a rod in my leg. After I got home, I still had to have nurses and appointments for the open wound on my foot. From what I´ve been told, my foot basically looked like hamburger and it has taken quite some time for it to scar over. Since I´ve not been able to really stand or walk for a while, my muscles atrophied and I lost quite a bit of strength which I am trying to regain through physical therapy as well as trying to regain balance. I now walk with a cane and get tired pretty easily compared to before, but seem to improve almost daily. I am hopeful that I will be walking as close to normal as possible by time Mustang Week comes in July as I have already booked our lodging and plan to take the Cobra as well as a long time friend with his 04 Mach 1 (the blue one in my profile pic). But I do intend to write up my thoughts on the manifold and how it performs when I get the chance, which might be a little while yet. :)
I broke my Calcaneus bone and had to have all the pieces put back together with cadaver bone. Five or six screws in my heel. Mine still hurts seventeen years later real bad at times Fell off a roof and my heel bone came through the side of my foot. Then it got infected and had to get cut open again. Crappy injury
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I broke my Calcaneus bone and had to have all the pieces put back together with cadaver bone. Five or six screws in my heel. Mine still hurts seventeen years later real bad at times Fell off a roof and my heel bone came through the side of my foot. Then it got infected and had to get cut open again. Crappy injury
That sucks! And yes, it is a crappy injury. It's changed almost all aspects of my life. I don't know how much range of motion you have, but mine is pretty limited. And since the tendons and nerves of my foot were smashed and/or severed, I have no feeling on the bottom of my foot and my toes are basically just ornaments now. There is really no flexibility in them anymore and I can't push off of them or stand on my tip toes. Climbing stairs is a chore since I can't push off of that foot normally either, so my left leg is pretty much forced into that whole job. It's gotten better over the years, but I still almost require a hand rail. And losing the use of your toes affects your balance, too, so I can't stand on that one foot without holding onto something. I also can't point my toes since my ankle is more or less fused, and I sleep on my belly most of the time. So since I can't point my toes I have to hang my foot off the end of the bed. Thats just some of the stuff that's changed..... :shrug:

But I'll bet we have matching scars! :nice::rlaugh:


This side probably not so much.....:notnice:


Here's the X-ray from after the reconstruction but before they removed the hardware due to infection.


Fun times!! :notnice:
Same ex ray ,same screws, and same misery. They told me at the rehab place that it was going to be a life changer , and it is. You woulnt think a heel could be such a problem. It also gave me an opiate problem that has lasted twenty years.
I was prescribed one of the oxy's - I think it was oxycodone iirc. I told my doc I didn't think I needed it and didn't want to take it because I didn't want to become dependent. She told me since it was a low dose (only 5mg) and since I really didn't want it that she was sure I wouldn't become dependent and said that it was there if I needed it. I did end up using them, but only on occasion. About the only thing it did for me was that I was guaranteed to be asleep in 30 minutes or less. Some nights that was a blessing though.

For me, I didn't even know how bad my foot was until I started becoming more coherent in the last week of my hospital stay. I was just starting inpatient PT and all I knew at the time was my foot was messed up. It didn't really dawn on me for a while how bad it really was. I remember when I first started walking on it again how it felt like walking on gravel whenever I'd put weight on it. It took a while before I was even strong enough to walk farther than the bathroom. Then once the gravel sensation went away, the best way I can describe it, the bone wasn't centered in my heel. So I had a lump of bone that I was walking on that was off to one side. There was no heel pad built up, so that sucked for a while too. Memory foam insoles helped tremendously and I still use them now. There for a while I wouldn't walk anywhere without shoes. It's been almost 6 years now and I feel I'm about as normal as I'll ever be, but I thought that a year ago and I think I'm better now than I was then.... :shrug:
Hey guys look at my ankle Mine was hamburger at one time too. Been through hell with this . Dont fall onto concrete and break your heel. Five years later I broke my ankle bad on the same foot. Now I am very careful on ladders. Mine has twenty years to heal but the scarring is an inch thick


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