polish 18" alum.??


New Member
May 8, 2008
My 08 came with the polished 18" aluminum wheels, but I want that chrome mirror look to them. They are shiny but have kind of a cloudy look, not damaged but not mirror shine. I am thinking some Mother or Meguires aluminum polish and a power ball applicator for my drill? anyone tried this? any advice??
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I also have polished aluminum wheels on my Mustang. You will never get them to a chrome mirror shine unless you infact have them chromed. But you can get them to a point where they might look like chrome from a good distance. But nevertheless, they do shine really good in the sun. I have used Mother's Alum Polish and a power ball on mine with good effect also. Good Luck!
Aren't the factory polished wheels, clear coated? Get some polish and rub it on a small spot with your finger, a spot that can't be seen preferably. If it turns black than you're good. If it doesn't turn black, stop right away and wash it off.
aluminum wheels polished well... and they look just like chrome side by side you would never tell the difference, i have had engine covers on my bike polished to a chrome like mirror finish, and side by side with chrome parts no one would know.
I'm not trying to be a dick but you must know something the rest of us don't. I'm pretty big into detailing to say the least and even with the best aluminum polishes, nothing shines like chrome that has been properly cleaned and sealed. Just curious, what are you using to polish them? Look into some stuff called Heavy Metal Polish. It's by far one of the best, if not the best, polishes out there.
aluminum wheels polished well... and they look just like chrome side by side you would never tell the difference, i have had engine covers on my bike polished to a chrome like mirror finish, and side by side with chrome parts no one would know.


That follows the same lines of "Yeah, I got a killer exhaust setup on my V6 mustang and if you put it next to a V8, you can't tell the difference! The exhaust setup is top of the line!"


Oh yeah and your pics are perfect examples!! lol

First of all a store bought Polished wheel isn't the same as a hand polish afterthe fact AT ALL!!! if i had it i would show you my polished clutch cover next to a chrome cover and you would know what i am talking about.

Polishing is all about time and and compound, you can give anything a mirror shine if you do it long enough. Chrome is just the easy faster way out.