331 or 347 with speed density?


New Member
Jan 4, 2004
i dont really wanna be bothered with putting a mass air system in my car if not needed, but i really want a stroker motor with something like a e or f cam, a set of TW or AFR heads and a decent intake. is this feasible with speed density ( i wanna be kinda stealthy about this as if someone looks under my hood, no mass air= not many mods) give your opinions/facts! thanx
that's not true about mass air you can run big heads and a blower like everyone else you just cant run a big cam you might get away with that e-cam(and still heard people having problems with em seems to ba a 50/50 shot) but you sure to hell cant run that f-cam. mass air is only about 300 to upgrade so i would spend the extra money and have ed curis burn you a cam speed density or not.
Be nice to hear from others, but I don't think that's gonna work so well. SD calculates how much air is entering the engine based on temps, pressures, rpm, tps sensor, etc. It then picks how much fuel should be injected based on those calculations. The problem is that all those calculations assume you're gonna be running 302 cubes. When you increase the displacement of the engine by 10% (332) or 15% (347) it's air needs are gonna change dramatically. The mass air system actually tries to measure the amount of air entering, rather than calculating it based on operating conditions. The mass air system will be much more responsive at dealing with a displacement change than the SD system would. If you're building an efi stroker, I'd convert to mass air.
I'd consider going carbed. Your engine bay will look a lot cleaner and you can run a really agressive cam and forget about the mass-air all together.

If you drive in cold weather/everyday than do the mass-air conversion. If your just racing and you dont really care about gas mileage go carb.
Yeah, I think you're asking for problems trying to run it through the stock Speed Density system. At the very least I would consider having your processor reprogramed, but that will likely cost you as much as the Mass Air conversion anyway.

....and there are a lot better selections than the old alphabet cams out there, pic one that's right for you, not because they used to be a popular grind.
HarleyFordFan said:
i do like the anderson motorsports cams as well. i have actually been toying with the notion of buying one of them or a t.w. stage 2
good choice.....it's pretty tough to beat a good dual pattern grind, all around better performer than ANY alphabet cam. I'm a big fan of some of the CompCams grinds myself.
Michael Yount is correct. BUT it can be done. I know because I ran a 347 with SD, but had a Custom Cam made for it. The only Bit*h was, Calif smog (ARGGG), otherwise it ran terrific.
