94 Mach 460 Problem...Strange Sounds...Help!


I have the Mach 460 sound system with a cheap aftermarket CD player installed (the other one crapped out and I got a good deal)...in any case the speaker in the driver door is very tempermental. Sometimes it works fine and sometimes it doesn't. It sounds at times like a crackle sound and then sounds like the engine and then other wacky things that don't make sense, and other times it works fine...strange. I have noticed that sometimes if I step hard on the floor toward the corner of the driver door the sounds gets louder or will stop. I have a 20 hour drive to make at the end of the week and I desperately need this system working so anyone have any ideas? How do I get to the wires under the carpet? Should I simply get a new speaker? I don't know much (or anything) about sound systems, let alone the one in the stang so any help is appreciated!
Mine is doing the same thing after a chitty Sony CD player went in. I had a decent Sony head unit with changer for about a year and a half with no problems. Replaced it with this POS and now have the same symptoms as extremetrek's car. I'll try putting the other one back in to see if the head unit makes that big of a difference.

BTW; are there any aftermarket speakers that will correctly replace the factory ones?