Roush 99-04 Saleen owners...side skirt question


Founding Member
Aug 1, 1998
Churchton, MD
For those of you with '99-'04 there any type of insert or screen in the vent opening on your side skirts?

I recently bought a pair of skirts for my '03 GT and only received the body pieces themselves. I'm not sure if anything's supposed to go in that opening that's just in front of the rear wheel or not. Would seem a little odd to keep it completely open, allowing for things to get trapped inside.

If there is an insert, any suggestions where I might be able to obtain it?
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I got a chance to look at a Saleen up close this weekend and found out what I needed.

The material does indeed look like the metal speaker grille mesh, so I checked around for any place local that sells just speaker grilles (like for speakers you'd mount in the ceiling or something). Nobody had just the grilles anymore...I remember buying one several years ago at Radio Shack for some reason, yet they don't carry them now.

I didn't have any speakers lying around that had that material either. I was given a link to a company that does custom work, and was able to order some speaker grille mesh from them in custom-sized sheets. I ordered 2 different patterns, at least 12"x12" of each of them should work; it's just a matter of matching up the hole size.
Good to hear you found a source, hopefully they match up.

I don't think Saleen stocks them anymore. Even if they did, I wouldn't buy another set from them. I replaced the originals on my car with replacements from Saleen and they rusted in 3 months... and I rarely drive the car in the rain... I'm going to repaint the original ones I saved and put them back on the car.
I'll keep everyone posted on my findings. Since my car isn't a Saleen, anything close will be "good enough" for me. If it were the real deal, I might be a little more concerned with finding an exact match. I did take a picture of the screen on the Saleen I saw so I do have something to reference.

I ordered the two patterns because the site requires a minimum order of $25. A 12x12 sheet of the mesh was $13.50. I should have the stuff in my hands in about 2 weeks since they consider it custom work.

Seems to be a slight shame about Saleen's quality...the screens mentioned here, and I've got an S281 spoiler on mine which, according to the body shop I took it to, was a bi*** to paint and install. They prepped it, shot it with primer, found pinholes...shot it again, more pinholes, etc. Then the tape that came with it didn't hold, so I had it reinstalled...then the tape came up again...reinstalled...and seems to be holding now. I hope the skirts I have don't present as much of a problem.
A month later, I finally received the "speaker grill" material I ordered (had an issue with my CC, that's why it took so long). Again, two with 1/4" diameter staggered round holes, the other with 3/16" holes. The 3/16" pattern appears to be the closest size to what I photographed on a factory Saleen.

I can finally get these skirts in for paint and installation hopefully! Now if I can just figure out why my third brake light doesn't work anymore... :(