A Hero & Patriot -- Something You Won't See On CNN

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My wife found this article in the The Jacksonville, NC Daily News, the town where Camp Lejeune is located. Please read the article closely and take in the name that this young Marine's widow chose for her newborn daughter.
This reaffirms that REAL heroes and patriots are everywhere and come in all forms.

The Daily News, Jacksonville, NC
July 13,2004
Marine's widow gives birth to girl

The wife of a Marine killed in Iraq has given birth to the couple's first child.
Celeste Lawrence gave birth Saturday to Cadence Freedom, a 7-pound, 11-ounce girl.
Cadence had been due days before her father, Cpl. Jeff Lawrence, was killed on the outskirts of Fallujah last week. Labor was induced Friday once family could join Celeste at Camp Lejeune, where Lawrence had been stationed.
Heather Kuntz, Jeff Lawrence's cousin, said the family has begun collecting letters from people about how Jeff Lawrence touched their lives. The family wants to create a record for the girl to make "Jeff a presence in her life," she said.
"It can be something she'll probably carry around for the rest of her life, that she may share with her children and grandchildren," she said.
Show some respect yea it sucks that he was killed and i feel bad for his family but we didnt' go to war over oil! Who are you to say when we go to war he is our president and is in a much better posistion to make that decision not you, i hate when people say that it seams to be the "popular" thing to do "i hate the president we shouldn't be at war" that man gave his life for your country and for your freedom he knew what he was doing when he joined. How would you feel if you were out there fighting and putting your life on the line for a bunch of people who aren't supporting you.
Nicks98Cobra said:
Damn George Bush, damn him to hell for sending our men into a war over nothing but oil.

Tell ya what: You should thank your luck stars that you live in a country that affords you the freedoms to badmouth a sitting head of government the way you have here. There are many places in this world (and not just the middle east) where statements like yours would cause you to disappear in the dark of night never to be seen again, or to wake up with your head (or tongue) severed.
You have the freedoms that you enjoy because of people like Corporal Jeff & Mrs. Celeste Lawrence. They both made a sacrifice. Whether you agree with the reason for it or not, the fact is that they still made a sacrifice. And the name that this young widow chose for her baby was her way of honoring the sacrifice of her husband and her daughter's father. But I guess that was lost on you.
And by the way YOU'RE WELCOME!
I am a USMC LtCol and a Desert Storm and Operation Iraqi Freedom Veteran. Proud of my country, proud of my service, but most of all PROUD OF MY MARINES!
Marine1..."Cadence Freedom" what a B-eau-tIful name. Sounds like a Jody Call.

In times like these it makes even the most ardent freedom lover take a second and think of the few who dared. So take the following comments any way you want Mr. Nick.

Imagine a world filled with souls bent on ill intent, who respected and feared the people in our Armed Forces because they have taken on all comers for well over 2 centuries.
That there were those few who would defend your right to freedom of speach with their life.
That you could (knowlingly or not) sleep at night because there was somebody sitting on-top of a wall in an isolated and violent part of the world determined that you and all your friends would be safe tonight because it won't happen on his or her watch.
There was a line from a popular SCI-Fi movie that went like this, "Service ensures Citizenship".
What happend to our Citizens believing in Stewardship for Freedom's sake.
I do not propose that you shut you pie hole or that you conform to my way of thinking. Please don't get Po-lit-ical, we are gonna get enough of that before November.
Nicks98Cobra said:
Damn George Bush, damn him to hell for sending our men into a war over nothing but oil.
The reason George Bush sent troops to Iraq was not because of oil, it was to stop the genocide being committed by Sadam Hussien, and to find and prevent Sadam from making weapons of mass distruction. He was directly or indirectly involved with Osama bin laden, conspiring to destroy the U.S.. Sadam also may have been linked to 9/11. Sadam Hussien was an immediate and constant direct threat to the security of the U.S.. His big plan was to eradicate Israel and the U.S..

Sadam Hussien murdered untold millions, just like Adolf Hitler. He was committing mass genocide of not only his own people, but the countries around him. He has long been known to have links to Al Queda terrorist networks, and numerous other terrorist cells. He himself was a dictator terrorist. He called the U.S. the Great Satan, which is absolute hogwash. For the very things Sadam does are the same ideas as Satan himself.

I commend president Bush for what nobody else had the guts to do. Sadam and Osama Bin Laden attacked the U.S. on 9/11. Wether Sadam was directly or inderectly involved I don't know, but he most definetly was involved. The funny thing is people complained that Bush took to long to retaliate against the terrorists. Now that he has retaliated everybody is upset that people are getting killed. Unfortunatley, that is the price of FREEDOM. George Bush is taking to the terrorists before the terrorists take it to us.

Wake up man, those evil terrorists killed thousands of people on 9/11. They came over to OUR TURF, bombed the most magnificent buildings in the world, and killed so many AMERICANS, and you have the audacity to say"damn George Bush". You my friend are a COWARD and a DISGRACE to all those brave american men and women fighting for our great country over in that God forsaken place of the world. You remind me all those pathetic actors and celebrities who are absolute COWARDS, disgraceful to GOD ALLMIGHTY and their country. The live here under the protection of our government, they lavish themselves in all the great things this country has given them, they make tons of money and leach off what this country offers, they live in their little immoral worlds, afraid that their little insignificant extistence might be disrupted if this country has to protect it's FREEDOM from time to time. They make me SICK to my stomach.

From time to time the U.S. must fight for it's freedom and democracy. The constitution is the best document for government ever written. Thousands were killed in the Revolutionary war, 700,000 were killed in the civil war, hundreds of thousands of americans in WWI and WWII, thousands in Korea, 25,000 in Vietnam, Greneda, Haiti.

If it was up to people like you(and thank God it isn't) the British would still own the U.S., the south would be seperated from the north, Hitler's Germany would be running most of Europe, communist North Korea would have control of the whole country, and millions of people would be dying in mas genocides and exterminations. In God We Trust, this is why this country is a superpower and the strongest nation in the world. God made us strong to protect the rest of civilization from tyranny, destruction, and chaos. We are the police force of the world, we must use what God has given us to protect and defend the unfortunates of the world.

I'm 38 years old, and in excellent shape. If I had to go to Iraq or Afganistan, I wouldn't hesitate for a minute. If I have to die protecting this great country of ours, so be it. Thank God for people with the guts and courage of President George W. Bush. President Bush, those terrorists will wish they were dead by the time we get done with them. Give'em hell.

DON'T MESS with the U.S.

God bless The Marine who died and his daughter Ms. Freedom! But I as a service member can say that we have lost our focus! Our main goal should still be to hunt down the individuals that perpatrated an awful attack on our nation (Taliban/Alqueida) Wipe them from the face of the Earth! I don't see why we are in Iraq he (SADDAM) had been killing and tourturing people for years and we did nothing! I have Been to Iraq and My heart truly goes out to every service man and woman who musta serve there, but these Nationalistic statements scare me we cannot take on the whole world! We are stretched thin trying to fight "The Global War On Terrorism" in Afganistan and Iraq. We no longer have the troop strength of the 80's where we were ready to fight a sustain two front war! George Bush is a person and Everybody makes mistakes, but Men live up to their mistakes and correct them not make believe they don't exist! Follow who you like but let's be real it was a bad decision Sir (LTC) and you and I both know it


You are entitled to your opinion (what you feel you "know"). I do not feel that way. Accordingly, please don't tell me what I "know."
I reserve my right to freedom of speech. Anyone can have an opinion on anything. Go watch Farenheight 9/11 and talk to me after you see it. In it you will see a marine who says he will go to jail before he goes back to iraq. Or the mother who encouraged her kids to join the army for money for college then her son died in irag and his last letter home talks about nothing but how we shouldnt be there and how much he wanted to come home. So dont talk to me about he knew what he was getting into, no one had any clue, not even Bush.
Your really going to believe a hollywood movie
b/c they found some sad stories i mean come on man its the meadia the media can change whatever situation for there own needing do you read then inquier and junk like that and take it for truth?
It was a bold, courageous, determined, brave,tenacious, and most definetly correct decision to go to Iraq. Those evil terrorists attacked our country and you don't want us to do anything about it. These filthy hellbound terrorists don't understand anything but force, and I mean all out brute force. They bombed our great buildings and killed thousands of people, and you say it's a bad decision. My friend, with all do respect, you are completely and most definetly wrong. I will back God allmighty, George Bush, and all the servicemen fighting over there till the day I die. If I was the only one willing to go and fight for my country, I would.

George Bush made the right decision. Take it to the terrorists before they take it to us. War is Hell, if you don't like it then STAND BACK AND GET OUT OF THE WAY. Japan bombed PEARL HARBOR, and we annihilated them. The terrorists bombed New York city, and now they will reap the awesome vengance and wrath of GOD Allmighty and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. They awakened a SLEEPING GIANT. The terrorists will wish they were dead and buried by the time we get done with them.

You tell me, what is the difference between 9/11 and Pearl Harbor, absolutely nothing. We will pursue them till the ends of the earth, it will be relentless, and when we are done, the satanic possessed terrorists will wish they were never born.

You are either for us or against us, if not for us then against us.

If God is for us, who can be against us.

God Bless our brave servicemen and women. Do not fear, the LORD is with you all, and your efforts will not go UNREWARDED. I am seriously thinking of volunteering to join the marines and fighting the evil terrorists. Please, don't bother trying to change my decision, I'm not fighting for the COWARDS who are afraid to fight and protect our great nation, but for God, country, and all the brave servicemen and women who are DYING to protect our country from future terrorists attacks. Give'em HEll, and all those who attack our country will have HELL to PAY.

To the U.S. military, keep up the good work, I'm behind you all the way, even to the end, and even if it means my life too.


It's a movie--fiction for Chrissake. And I believe the correct spelling is Fahrenheit. I have no intention of seeing it, which I believe is MY right. If you think it's a great flick and social commentary that's your opinion and you have a right to express it. A right you have because REAL Marines (people like me), not punk actors wearing USMC uniforms in a Hollywood movie, are willing to defend to the death your right to that freedom of speech, no matter how much we disagree with the views that you express while enjoying that freedom.

You're welcome.
No offense, but that movie has been debunked for what it really is, a pack of lies. Michael Moore is a fat, disgusting, ugly dispicable blob. He is a coward, a liar, treacherous, a trator, unpatriotic, deceitful, godless, immoral, unethical,disrespectful, corupt, DISLOYAL, DOUBLE CROSSER, faithless, without conscience, double dead and uprooted, evil, a hater of good, unrepentant, falsehearted, misleading, untrustworthy, tricky, precarious, dangerous to all AMERICANS and this country. He is living on borrowed time, and the only reason he still breathes is because GOD ALLMIGHTY is allowing him, and giving him time to repent of a life filled with lies, greed and malicious evil.

His day is coming, like a burning oven, unless he turns from his life of treachery, falsehood and debasement.

May God Allmighty have mercy on his poor deceived soul.

God Bless all our brave men and women fighting in Afganistan and Iraq.
I love bringing God up while displaying so much passion for killing your fellow man. Show me where Jesus said to strike when struck. None of that "turn the other cheek" crap for you & your god, eh?

You're 38? No one is going to try & stop you from volunteering. I say get off your couch & go volunteer. Scream for vengeance from the streets of Baghdad, & I'll listen. Otherwise, your bravado & zest for killing is just empty bluster.

How many Iraqis were on the planes on 9/11? I keep forgetting.

While you appear to me to be the mirror image of any Islamic fanatic, I'm sure you won't be able to make the connection. One is screaming for the blood of his enemies in the name of his god. Oh, wait. So is the other one.

In regards to the original post, it's a truly tragic story, & her father is a hero.
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