Any lawyers in here? Tailgating-


took tubgirl on a date and got banned
Mar 31, 2005
Well yesterday I got my first ticket...
I was following my friend, and when we got off the highway we were on a back road. After a left turn I sped up and got on his ass just messing around. I knew we couldn't have been doing more than 35 on this road and that I was definetally not doing more than the limit, we just came from a stop.
The ticket is for careless driving, and in the comments it says
Driving at fast speeds
Tailgaiting another driver.

I really don't want 3 points for careless driving.
I guess I will plead guilty to tailgaiting but not to driving at fast speeds?
Does anyone know what I can do?
BTW: This is in PA and cops cannot use radar guns.
Yes, I'm an idiot.
Synned said:
So I signed the ticket not guilty and I'm going to go to court, maybe talk to the cop before hand?


You're gonna need help with this I can tell already... okay here we go-

Object of court is to make yourself look innocent. Hard to do against a police officer. So don't admit to any of it. Tell them exactly what happened except for the tailgaiting part. Give them something else to hold on to, like "I may have been speeding- but not careless driving"

Wether you were or not it is a lessor charge. Maybe you forgot to use a blinker?
Strype said:

Why not? I didn't mean the cop, lol I meant the prosecuter.

The object is to put yourself in the most favorable light possible. When the cop testifies, the court already assumes s/he is telilng the truth.
So what do all of you guys suggest I do to possibly defer the points/lessen the charge?

3 Points on a 17 year old's mustang gt insurance isn't gonna look good.
Synned said:
I guess I will plead guilty to tailgaiting but not to driving at fast speeds?

Okay- Here is what I meant. If you are going to admit to something, admit to the lessor charge.

If tailgating is considored "Careless Driving" then if you admit to tailgating you will still be charged with wreckless driving whether you were speeding or not.

Sooooo, if tailgating is wreckless driving (I bet it is) just lie and say you were speeding a tad, but no where near the other car, and that the officer may not have been in the best position to see that.
DeVus1 said:
Plead guilty and ask for a deferred finding for 6 months or 1 year (whichever the judge allows for) and ask to attend driver improvement school.

This is called a suspended sentance is it has been declared unconstituional (under the PA constitution) needless to say it is not an option for him.
tunedin302 said:
Synned - I'm a lawyer here in PA. Tell me what section (75 Pa.C.S.A. _ _ _ _) they cited you with. Where are you in Pa and what county did you get cited in?

Hey thanks a lot
The section is 3714, subsection a or 9 I can't tell fromt he writing.
The county is bucks county.
screw that, fight it. Have your friend come to court with you and tell them that you weren't tailgaiting him. Also, where did the cop come from. If you know where, and you can prove with pictures that his view might have been obstructed you can win that way as well. Cops give tickets sometimes just because they think you did something wrong even though they didn't see it. It has happened to me before and I have won even with the cop on the stand. Good luck.