anyone heard?


The 5 Minute Plan Man
Jun 10, 2004
congress is trying to pass a bill about price gouging.. the companys are fined 150 mill if they are caught and proven guilty.. which is easy enough looking at there records.. hopefully it'll work.. and bush is trying to veto that tax bill for the gas companys, they might become taxed more as well.. bill was originally passed to try and lower prices.. all it did was put more money in there pockets
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**** thats not going to pass when bush is a oil man and so is the vice president. Just another hope but its not going to work. Hey you know there is a **** load of oil in texas but guess what he's not going to drill there cause that's "his" state.... f bush
nonglossjason said:
**** thats not going to pass when bush is a oil man and so is the vice president. Just another hope but its not going to work. Hey you know there is a **** load of oil in texas but guess what he's not going to drill there cause that's "his" state.... f bush

We have drilled and do drill in Texas.

Oil companies are not gouging. They'll waste money investigating them, like they've done before, and find nothing. If you want to "f" someone, go "f" China and India for keeping demand for oil/gasoline so high. Let the domestic oil companies make their money and recontribute it to America's economy.
Yeah, if Congress wants to fine anyone it should be the Government as they have made more money in Taxes from Oil than the Oil Companies have made as profit!