Appropriate break-in for motor and clutch


Founding Member
Sep 29, 2001
just got my car back, and i'm confirming the appropriate break-in period i guess? 500 miles on the clutch and motor right? then change oil at 1,000. i won't even go above 2,500 rpm till after 1,000 though.
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I dont know the correct break in procdure, nor do I know if you really need to break the engine in. I drove my car from only a few miles on the odometer to about 300 before i hammered on the car. I changed the oil after 700 miles to rid the oil of the possible metal fragments during break in. So I basically did what you just described, just to be safe. The only thing I would reccomend is that if your dealer offers free oil change coupons, bring your car there for the 1st oil change. The oil filter is not lubricated from the factory and He-Man puts them on. Its a PITA to get it off. (so was my other car i bought brand new)

I dont know about the 2500 rpm until 1,000miles idea. I think if anything is going to go wrong, it will happen within the 1st couple hundred miles. Plus i cant stand the thought of driving a car under 2500 for a whole month. :) Good luck with your new car.
StangYellow said:
I dont know about the 2500 rpm until 1,000miles idea. I think if anything is going to go wrong, it will happen within the 1st couple hundred miles. Plus i cant stand the thought of driving a car under 2500 for a whole month. :) Good luck with your new car.

hehe, i'll put 1,000 on it soon enough, between going back and forth between school and i intend on filling it with gas and going for a cruise one night. this weekend.