CRIKEYS! this is for real

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Im sorry if any of this offends people BUTT...

"Crikey! I've been stung through the chest by this great stingray! Bloody hell!"

hahahahahahah :rlaugh:

Ok im done... yea its sad.. but incredibly ironic that I was just watching his last night saying he was gonna die doing his stupid stunts.

RIP crock hunter.. ur entertaining (yet suicidal) show will be missed.
I was surprised to see it, myself, when I got up this morning on Yahoo News. My Aussie girlfriend ... well, technically now my ex, as of last week ... has always complained on and on about how he's screwed up Australia's public image (namely because I guess he's a New Zealander, and they've got some kinda rivalry with Aussies). It'll be interesting to see how she reacts to the news when she wakes up this morning.

Me, personally, I agree that it's a sad deal that his wife n' kids are left behind without a husband/father. But still, it's not like they're going to be hurting for money in the future (though I'm sure he had a heckuva time finding a life insurance policy, given his ways), and I've always been a believer in that whole "Live by the sword, die by the sword" concept ... or rather, "Live by the croc, die by the stingray," in ths case. When you play with wild animals like a psycho for a living, it's a matter of WHEN rather than IF one of them is going to seriously screw you up or kill you.

My bet would've always been that he'd have met his fate at the fangs of a snake, or maybe just one day he'd get careless with a croc that wanted to rip out his femoral artery...
I'm not even gonna make fun of this one....that really does suck. He was a crazy mofo but he had amazing intelligence and really wasn't just screwing around. It does seem like a fluke accident though, but this is better than getting dismembered by a huge croc.

You really do get burned when you play with fire though...the worst part are his little kids and his wife who are without a father now :( I really think he should have rethought his career with that crap once he started having kids, but it's though to leave what you love i guess.
news says that it stung him right in his chest. right above his heart and the death was instant so it was painless.

i allways called him a crazy old cot. but still did some amazing things with animals.

kinda like what you guys do with your stangs
if your known as the 'crocodile hunter' its just a matter of time before something happens.

moral of the story

dont mess with things that will and can kill you often and on purpose:shrug:

dont want this to come accross bad, i watched his shows sometimes and will miss them but the whole time i was wondering how he lived so long

RIP crocodile hunter
68torinogt said:
if your known as the 'crocodile hunter' its just a matter of time before something happens.

moral of the story

dont mess with things that will and can kill you often and on purpose:shrug:

dont want this to come accross bad, i watched his shows sometimes and will miss them but the whole time i was wondering how he lived so long

RIP crocodile hunter

People take things like that as a harsh comment just because it's a sensitive subject because he's passed away now....but that's the reality of it. I wish the guy wasn't dead and i'm very sorry for his family but that's really the truth of it...Indian Larry died doing his standing on his motorcycle stunt that he'd done hundreds of times before...he lost his balance and went down and cracked his skull on the ground....well, you do what you love regaurdless of the dangers and eventually you may have to suffer the conscequences.
he might have been really crazy with the things he did, but he also wasnt some random shmoe playing with animals either. he was a walking encyclopedia of many ecosystems and species of any form of wildlife you could think of. his death is a huge loss because he did so much for wildlife and he made television shows that were extremely entertaining, that was his draw. he was the first guy to pick up on the fact that people will watch a show if its educational yet entertaining. who knows what led up to that stingray stinging him. they arent known to be aggressive maybe he was touching it who knows. from everything i have seen its extremely rare that a sting from them turns fatal, that ray got him dead on where it needed to for it to be a fatal attack. honestly, with all the stuff hes done i definitely would have expected him to get killed doing something way more dangerous. when he goes in crock pits and swims in the lake with tons of crocks around.
310stanger said:
he might have been really crazy with the things he did, but he also wasnt some random shmoe playing with animals either. he was a walking encyclopedia of many ecosystems and species of any form of wildlife you could think of. his death is a huge loss because he did so much for wildlife and he made television shows that were extremely entertaining, that was his draw. he was the first guy to pick up on the fact that people will watch a show if its educational yet entertaining. who knows what led up to that stingray stinging him. they arent known to be aggressive maybe he was touching it who knows. from everything i have seen its extremely rare that a sting from them turns fatal, that ray got him dead on where it needed to for it to be a fatal attack. honestly, with all the stuff hes done i definitely would have expected him to get killed doing something way more dangerous. when he goes in crock pits and swims in the lake with tons of crocks around.

You must be a youngin....Jack Hannah paved the way for Irwin.

Hannah was even quoted on a show this morning saying basically that you can't blame the animal because he's just doing what he knows by nature.