Distributor Options. Any tried this one?

I have a cheap Pro comp vac. advance dizzy that I bought off ebay with the intentions of only using as a temperary set up. But I am experiencing some problems (busting out as my mechanic calls it) at near WOT which could be my Demon's secondary fuel level which I plan to recheck tomorrow. Having sad that though I am really wanting to get this China made POS off my car so I have been looking around and this dizzy looks like the ticket for me. If any of you "boosted" guys could chime in or if you happen to have this one let me know what you think.

nice trick piece of technology, but unless you are going racing, you dont really need it. yes it is nice to get rid of engine compartment wiring, but a good duraspark dist, with a good ignition box will do the job real nice.
Do you have a MSD box already ? That is a ready to run, which is more than a stand alone version, and that one comes with a rev limiter. If you already have a 6AL, again, not really needed for you. I don't remember what cam you have, but now MSD offers alot of their Dist with steel gears for roller stuff.