My 1991 Mustang lx Notch will not start. Something is shorting out when i turn the key. There is some sort of relay or fusible link that keeps kicking out, i can here it click then all the power goes dead in the car. I looked for frayed wires touching and found none. Could the starter be shorting the whole car out? I first noticed the problem when my battery light came on yesterday could the whole battery be shorted out? I replaced the alternator thinking that the battery was not properly charging but that was before the car would not start at all. I tried moving the steering wheel in different places thinking something was touching but nothing. I looked between my headers to see if the starter wire was touching, it is close but not touching. I looked at the starter selonoid and found some dry week green wire that i cut and fixed but the car will not start the power keeps shutting down totally. Where should i look for a direct short??