Fill your car up right now...

F gas prices,f this overpriced stuff it will never go down under 2.00 were f'd so drive your stang like its stolen till they ban them off the road...and we keep them under tarps in are yards till we are retired???
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mike50sa said:
It's easy to say it's a "Republican problem" because of the political persuasion of the current President. If truth-be-known, it's the lack of foreign policy during the military-impotent Democrat years of Carter and Clinton. We're paying for it now. Politics does have something to do with higher prices, unfortunately. Prices go up when bad news about oil producers goes to the front page. Investors get freaked out and prices rise.

The a-hole in charge in Iran now was on the scene during the hostage crisis during the Carter administration (1977-1981). Iran should have been stopped then.:bang: The military was weakened badly during those years due to lack of funding. :nonono:

High prices has alot to do with the supply and demand of the world, and China (by themselves) is taking alot of oil off the table now. Venesuela (sp?) is also a big oil producer and they have big problems. So, oil prices go up.

Sorry, just don't like to hear about everything being Bush's fault. Don't get me wrong, I hate paying more at the pump also.

btw Bush must be feeling nice b/c there hasn't been any hurricanes this year so far. You know, since it was his fault that Katrina hit the USA last year. :rlaugh:
