Guy's Code of Ethics

22: Thou shalt not buy a car in the colors of brown, pink, lime green,
>orange or sky blue.
What about competition orange or hugger orange??

Dear Reader,

As you can see this "rule" did not make the final cut as Dr. Strype (i.e. ME) has a favorite color and it just happens to be O R A N G E

Dr. Hood R. Strype
Vice President of Corporate Rules
StangNet Guy Code Committee

PS: I believe DMAN's helmet is grabber orange
Way down in Alabama close to Tennessee,
Way back up in the woods among the evergreens...
There stood a Town House made of brick and wood,
Where lived a country boy name of Strypey B. Goode...
He never ever learned to Drift or Sticker so well,
But he could drive a 5.0 just like ringing a bell.

Go Go
Go Strypey Go
Go Go
Strypey be good
Possible Entry:

When hot girl comes over with a 3 year old kid, at no time is it cool to try and make the kid laugh to impress the girl by ripping best friends leg hair out. That hurts guys!!!
Another possible entry:

At no point in time is it ever okay to admit to wife that neighbor is "10 shades of fine" unless one lives in a "Community Property" state in which he is owed 50% of property in case of divorce over said comment.
Strype said:
Possible Entry:

When hot girl comes over with a 3 year old kid, at no time is it cool to try and make the kid laugh to impress the girl by ripping best friends leg hair out. That hurts guys!!!

Sorry bro... when the possibility of hot (female) hynie exists, there are few things that are taboo in relation to the quest for garment removal.
Nope... as a matter of fact, it's your responsibility (as the buddy of the guy on the quest to PIITB), to entertain said child and bite your tongue whilst youngster pulls the hairs from your person. A rucous may have the target in question re-applying her attire in order to see what the commotion is all about. That would be a foul.

My suggestion is that just as soon as the famale is out of site... burry the little darling up to its neck in dirt and apply a liberal amount of duct tape to its mouth. All will be quiet for the duration and Mom ( or whatever ) won't be able to FREAK until after the overtures are complete. You're also providing your buddy another service with this plan. She will never want to see him again! Your buddy certainly doesn't need to be tied down with a kid that's not his.

It's a win win scenario.
Wow..the information I'm taking in here is astounding really. Though as canadians we (as I'm sure your aware) have an abundance of women and don't need to consider the 'sharing factor'. Actually it's a little known law that ever man is issued a virgin on his 18th birthday and every two yrs after that until married. Just wanted you to know the little differences that other contries must endure.

I'm getting a divorce and moving to Canada

Hmmmm... I wonder if Mrs. DMAN is aware of this particular article of the Canadian Judicial System.