I Blame Oboebrian......!


big blue fuzzy closet monster
Founding Member
Dawg incited me to spend more money on sally........My new passenger door skin arrived yesterday, so sometime between now and next Spring I have two "PROJECTS" lined up.........
1) Cleaning up and repainting my engine, and
2) Re-(building)-skinning my passenger door!

On the "PROJECTS" end, I also have my fender splash shields to refurbish, my alternator to clean polish and clear coat the outer casing, various brackets, etc., to clean and paint before bolting back on the engine, same for the fuel pump, etc., etc.............

Speaking of which, I was thinking we need to come up with the "Stangnet Project Difficulty Scale" with which to rate how difficult certain projects are, let's say on a level of 1 (or ) to 10 (or amnit: )!
I'll start -
1 ( ) = Any newbie with a tool kit can handle.
5 ( ) = Even the BBFCM can do this.
10 ( amnit: ) = You better have a fully equiped shop, and some serious chops, or it'll end up looking like 2MFF!
2nd Mustang said:
My job is just 40/week. Self imposed "no overtime" if I can get away with it..........

How in the H-E-double hockey sticks do you manage THAT??!??!??!?? I think I saw a straight 40 hour week back in July; but since then.....
Mostly, it's been just playing "catch-up" with the results of corporate-level "poor-li'l-ol'-us" shenanigans. If I remember correctly, you work for a properly run (comparatively) Telco. Wish conditions would hurry up and become become right for them to buy us! I really miss the US West days
StangDreamin' said:
If I remember correctly, you work for a properly run (comparatively) Telco. Wish conditions would hurry up and become become right for them to buy us! I really miss the US West days

Ha ha, I laugh at your statement! Our corporate bean counters now want to gobble up Ma Bell. Jack of all trades, master of none. All the experience is near retirement (like me) and the new guys just make excuses so they don't have to learn anything new. My new motto is, "I'm on my way out, not up".
Hmmmm....40 hour work week.......sounds familiar, I think that's what I did when I worked for Grumman.

StD - Ask the misses if this sounds familiar.....:

Administration......Wants you there 8 hours a day, but only pays 7.5 (30 minute lunch is "your" time) = a 37.5 hour work week
DON.....Would like the rank and file on their respective units 15 minutes before shift starts for report, so off going shift can get out on time (ya right...whoever heard of a 15 minute report!) split the difference.....15 min before, 15 minutes after OR for those whose relief shows up right at the time....30 minutes after shift ends = 42.5 hours on premises, still only get paid 37.5 hours........NO OVERTIME! wtf is overtime?
MY ACTUAL.......Minimum 30 minutes ahead of shift for prep / report, lucky if I get out 30 minutes after end of shift, it's usually 45 min to 1 hour (freakin staff continually interrupts report, or some other such sch*tt, like someone died, happens) so my work day is 9 to 9.5 hours per day (often longer) = 45 to 47.5+ hours per week, STILL only get paid 37.5.......remember?......NO OVERTIME!

Now I know there are a lot of heads going... and saying, "Gee Fuzzy, then why do you do it?"

Because I like what I do, and I care about the people whose care has been entrusted to me.
Wow, crappy job. My mom is a nurse. At this point in her career (nursing supervisor, LPN seeking her BS-RN, mostly works in the MDS department) she works whatever hours she wants to work! She comes and goes basically as she pleases. Now, she does have a workload to go through, but if she has stuff going on she just says yo, i gotta take care of some stuff today and leaves - or just doesn't go in.


Wasn't always that way, she just worked her way up to it. More over - non-union, great benefits (she's not paying for her tuition for one thing.)

Where does she work? an Emory Healthcare nursing home. Used to be entirely private pay but they now take Medicare. When she gets her RN she said she's going to transfer to the hospital to work the ER or ICU- oh yeah and when she gets her RN her pay doubles - and she gets payed for whatever hours she's on the clock.

I understand the loving what you do thing, but you still have every right to bitch about it - hell, if I were in your shoes I would too! You're getting screwed with your pants on!
My eight hour work day is acutally more like nine, although I get paid for eight. I get to work about an hour early, so I don't have to rush in the morning. I do minor stocking of van, clean up, etc. Somedays I miss my breaks, but I DO MAKE UP FOR IT ON OTHER DAYS.

One really stupid rule we have is that we are not allowed back in the garage until 1/2 hour before quitting time, so there's a bunch of vans driving around (wasting gas) just waiting for the clock to strike 4 p.m. Corporate bean counters, no common sense.
Thanks, Foggy, for bringing this back up - it brought a couple things to my attention......

Jeeze, Fritz; you must really like your job! Sue, when she was working on "the floors", didn't get paid until the official start of her shift - even if she went in early because her unit manager (like Skywalker's mom) kept her own hours! So, the clock started at 1500. Shifts were 8.5 hours total time, but she got paid for only eight - 1/2 hour lunch, even if you didn't get to take one If giving report took her more that 1/2 hour (swing shift started at 2300) she did get overtime for anything after 2330. Now that she's on The Unit, it's "clock-in, clock-out for lunch, clock-in after lunch, clock-out on your way out the door". If the phone rings at 0230 for an appy; the time starts 20 minutes after she's called out and stops when she swipes her card in the slot on her way out the door. If there are multiple cases on a call-out, she can stay on the clock as long as there isn't more than a 30 minute delay between giving report on the floor and taking the next report from the scrub nurse and gas-passer. She very often does stay around and catch 40 winks on a gurney if it's gonna be less than an hour (instead of driving home and then back to work) just has to "swipe-out" in the interim!
Even though AZ is a right-to-work state, YRMC has always had a hard time getting and keeping BSN's; so they are a little more liberal in paying the staff. Since she started down here 18 years ago, three attempts to unionize the licensed staff have been defeated by a vote of the licensed staff; so management figures they're doing something right and is a fraid to screw with it! Ancilliary staff (like I used to be when I worked there), well, they get what they get; or they can find another job elsewhere.
Same here!
Other than the fact that we have to work until 5:00; it's the same rule here - officially. In reality, my boss has this strong aversion to seeing our crew on MVA reports; so he doesn't argue if we're back a little early to restock the trucks, wade through paperwork, etc.
What can I say, other than "We're Yuma"; which means that we do things a bit out-of-skew with the rest of the telco world (outside techs even have been known to take lunch with the C.O. guys). The other side of this is that Phoenix gives us diddly-squat in the way of trucks, tools and techs (as they have since the Mountain Bell days); and we still have better numbers than the rest of the state (as we have since the Mountain Bell days).
Oboe - The engine bay is DONE (all that sandblasting and POR15-ing I did this Summer) THAT's the reason for repainting the ENGINE.
In reality, it'll take me a little longer than a day on each project as I can only do 2-3 hours each morning after work.

Be careful of what you volunteer! Next thing you know, we will all be receiving little projects in the mail from the furry one with a deadline attached!