I hate crown vics

I mean really, i hate them with a passion
every time im goofing off in the car, and i spot one, i feel like i wanna crap myself
anybody else get spooked when they see a crown vic roll up behind them when you're acting stupid?

Like today I was in the process of doing a burnout in front of my buddys apartment and I look back and see a crown vic roll up behind me.
Luckily it wasnt a cop but it still scared the crap outta me :D
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anybody else get spooked when they see a crown vic roll up behind them when you're acting stupid?

You just have to know what to look for. Dual exhaust + hubcaps or steel rims = Police Interceptor. Dual exhaust on civillian LX's only came with the "lacey spoke" or the 5-spoke Sport rims. Police Interceptors also have black door handles, not chrome.
With that in mind, I have seen civillian-looking Crown Vics being used by local agencies. But the antennas, dash strobes, and laptops are usually another pretty good giveaway.

The cop cars I'm scared of are the ones that are just normal cars. I've personally been pulled over by an F150, and an Explorer. I've also seen a Durango, Ram, and Taurus pulling people over.
The FHP also has 14 Marauders, so I'm usually careful when I see one on the interstate. I haven't seen their Steeda Mustang in person yet, but I have pics of it.

ohhh crown vics are out dated around here lol they havent been the cops choice for like 5 years

Out dated? That's all the cops in my hometown drive. It's more spacious for spending long periods of time inside, and it handles high speeds better than the Impalas. I did a ride-along in an Impala and it sucked with all the equipement.
I can see the Hemi Chargers making the Crown Vic outdated, but I've yet to see a department use one. Orange County uses marked Explorers, which is what most of the deputies want, the Crown Vic being 2nd. The only advantage I've been told the Impala has, is that girls like it better than the Crown Vic.LOL

As for hating Crown Vics, I would never say I hate them. I hate Toyota Camrys. Most Camry owners are total idiots that don't know how to drive, and they all think they're geniuses for buying the only reliable car ever made.:rolleyes:
I mean really, i hate them with a passion
every time im goofing off in the car, and i spot one, i feel like i wanna crap myself
anybody else get spooked when they see a crown vic roll up behind them when you're acting stupid?

Like today I was in the process of doing a burnout in front of my buddys apartment and I look back and see a crown vic roll up behind me.
Luckily it wasnt a cop but it still scared the crap outta me :D

......kids. :nonono:

Why don't you just try not goofing off? Then you won't have to feel like crapping your pants. :shrug:
Good thing you don't live around here, you'd really be paranoid. The Highway Patrol has a number of unmarked heavily tinted Marauders, the Sheriff Dept uses Crown Vics, and unmarked heavily tinted Mach I's. The blue hairs love to rock the Grand Marquis, so there's a whole lotta those things around.

The only silly/dangerous thing they do is leave an unattended marked Sheriff car in the median of I-95. This serves no one, the locals know the cars are empty so they don't slow down, the tourists do not know this and jam on the brakes. One day this will lead to a serious accident. I just do the speed limit and stay out of trouble.
I could make excuses, and justify what I do, but I won't
just dont say things like that unless you truly have never done anything illegal whatsoever (such as speeding, burnouts (wreckless driving), unnecessary acceleration, etc)

I have done things like that....and once and a while I still do, but I don't go making threads about how much I hate Crown Vics because of it. If I got caught by Johnny Law doing something I shouldn't have, I've got nobody to blame but myself and I'll take my medicine like a man. :)

Want a simple solution...don't screw around and you can go back to wearing normal underwear again. :D
Around here we have 2 really worked charger R/T's..

...A officer buys parts from us and has a video of them testing it, they got it up to 203mph...

It's really slow 1/4 mile wise though... I think they mostly use it on our new highway. People love to do high-speed racing on it.
Good thing you don't live around here, you'd really be paranoid. The Highway Patrol has a number of unmarked heavily tinted Marauders, the Sheriff Dept uses Crown Vics, and unmarked heavily tinted Mach I's. The blue hairs love to rock the Grand Marquis, so there's a whole lotta those things around.

The only silly/dangerous thing they do is leave an unattended marked Sheriff car in the median of I-95. This serves no one, the locals know the cars are empty so they don't slow down, the tourists do not know this and jam on the brakes. One day this will lead to a serious accident. I just do the speed limit and stay out of trouble.

i heard of something like that around here too they left a marked car close to the drag strip and when the locals got used to it the decided to put a cop in it and racked up quite a few tickets
Good thing you don't live around here, you'd really be paranoid. The Highway Patrol has a number of unmarked heavily tinted Marauders, the Sheriff Dept uses Crown Vics, and unmarked heavily tinted Mach I's. The blue hairs love to rock the Grand Marquis, so there's a whole lotta those things around.

The only silly/dangerous thing they do is leave an unattended marked Sheriff car in the median of I-95. This serves no one, the locals know the cars are empty so they don't slow down, the tourists do not know this and jam on the brakes. One day this will lead to a serious accident. I just do the speed limit and stay out of trouble.

We (FHP) have about 15 Marauders that are spread throughout the state, so you dont have to be too worried about getting nailed by one of those. Several other Sheriff offices do have them as well though. BTW, FHP's Marauders were donated. That is the only reason we have them because God knows the state of FL will not give us crap!!!!

I too hate CVs because the darn things are soooooo slow. I have lost so many high rollers that it isn't even funny.:nonono:
One of the local areas by me has a fairly wide range of cars. Most the HWY guys still run the CV, some of the locals run the CV but most are running the impala. There are several marked and 100% (down to the plates) unmarked exploders, 3 mustangs (yes 3), charger, and get this a damn evo with the mustangs and evo for catching racers.
They're always waiting outside one of our local drag strips catching people. Around here, some of the cities have the New Chargers as their patrol cars. Locally, we also have a lightly modded SRT4 cop car, New Impalas, Tahoes, a big lifted ford truck, Mustang, Magnums, and so on. A shop down the street from our shop builds them, and most of the ones I mentioned aren't marked. Sneaky sneaky.




I remember when FHP had 5.0 Fox Mustangs. They were even 5 speed cars. I thought that the paint scheme was cool looking. When I lived down there, the Deputies even had them. I talked to one for about 30 minutes one day, at a gas station. Really cool guy. Said he LOVED his Mustang. At the time, there was really nothing it couldn't outrun. When he drove away, I could hear the lope of a nice cam. Hard to tell what else was done to it. He filled it with Premium. ;)
We (FHP) have about 15 Marauders that are spread throughout the state, so you dont have to be too worried about getting nailed by one of those. Several other Sheriff offices do have them as well though. BTW, FHP's Marauders were donated. That is the only reason we have them because God knows the state of FL will not give us crap!!!!

I too hate CVs because the darn things are soooooo slow. I have lost so many high rollers that it isn't even funny.:nonono:

I get to see an unmarked Marauder on I-95 quite often. Nice cars....I recall hearing they were donated, and that they aren't quite stock.

Oh come on we give you guys plenty of crap :D J/K. I think our county has 6(?) cars for the whole county, :notnice: As thinly as the FHP is spread, you guys probably spend all your time responding to accidents don't you?
yeah we have the planted cop car thats left out all the time to scare you they even have a dummy dressed in a cop uniform...well about once a month or so they pull out the dummy and sit in it....usually long enuff that people think its just a decoy they have seen for 3 weeks ....and boy do they get a ton of people doing this i find it funny...all you have to do is not be a jackass behind the wheel and drive cool and i get left alone...if i do something wrong im just begging to get caught and if i do it serves me rigth.
If you know what to look for then you dont have to worry but you also dont have to worry when you dont do anything wrong.

But I know you get that feeling when you think you did something wrong and they're out to get you.

Also what is considered "unlawful acceleration" ?????

Burnouts I thought those were legal:D

As long as I dont get acussed for doing something I didnt I'm not to worried,

But I did notice when I got my 1 ticket, that the cop just came out of nowhere. :shrug: