It Took All Of 4 Hours...


New Member
Apr 27, 2004
Ontario Canada
I have sold my car.

What a weird experience that was.

The ad went up and an hour later I received an email saying that they were interested.
I made the call and confirmed their interest.

Not 10 minutes later I received another call from another person guaranteeing the sale...

and the bidding war began.
I joke you not... this was something I did not expect.

After going back and forth between both buyers... with no low balling occuring, the price was achieved...

and the end of an era is upon me.

I will say however, with this pending sale...
if everything goes through, the potential owner will be a suitable replacement for my car.

i cant believe this..... what are your reasons for selling the car again??

I want to get in to the film industry... move, start a career, get my life moving.
I still owe thousands in debt from the rest of the car loan, school tuition etc...

I'm pretty well grounded in my life style because I need my job to pay for all of my debts...

I've been trying to get a job in the film industry while still working at my current job so I wouldn't have to sell the car of about a year now...

but it's hard to devote time in to looking for a career when you only have 1 day a week to focus on it...

with this car sale, i can pay off all of my debts, quit my job... and go career.
Wow man, pretty sad to see it go. Hopefully the new owner will become a stangnet member and keep us updated on the status of this nearly one-of-a-kind car. Did you get your asking price of $12k? I guess spring is a good time of year to sell a 'vert, seeing how it went so fast.
I hope everything works-out for you and you get your break in show biz, so you can get another 94-95 or even buy this one back
Doug.....if any of the said bidders so much as scratches the tailpipes on a curb, I will drive to whereever they live and bust their heads with a pipe, then track down their families and ...... ok ok I talk a big game but I'm a little B!#@*

I'm a little sorrowful right now, for the guy who made the car what it is, and the car that's going to have to find a new driveway niche...

Like all the rest, you know I give you all the support I can, for your future endeavors in the gay **** industry.
Dadgummit Doug!!!

Hate to see you had to do that

But ... There are times when a hobby has to be set aside
for other priorities

Promise you'll check back in from time to time and say hello

WTF? I told you that for your movie career, you just need a 70's soundtrack, some lights and a couch.

In all seriousness........ in all seriousness this sucks. Ixnay the sale. You can sell it down the line for even more money.

If you do this, I don't know if I can allow you to keep your honorary Highlander status. Duncan is the original Highlander (there's supposed to be only one ) but I was willing to make it work for you - you were Dougcan.

All BSing aside, I wish you the best with your scripts, career and so on. That's what matters, not a hunk of metal.
If you do this, I don't know if I can allow you to keep your honorary Highlander status. Duncan is the original Highlander (there's supposed to be only one ) but I was willing to make it work for you - you were Dougcan.

Actually, there were many. "There CAN be only one." They all sought/killed each other before it came down to the final two. "Dougcan McCloud. From the clan McCloud."

I know. I know. :Zip2:

Actually, there were many. "There CAN be only one." They all sought/killed each other before it came down to the final two. "Dougcan McCloud. From the clan McCloud."

I know. I know. :Zip2:

That was hilarious. you guys made my night.
man you guys rock.

I'm not going anywhere though... sans Mustang, I'll still be on this board... I just can't pic-whore up my car anymore

I got more than I was asking actually

$12,500 was the final sale price.

I promise from what I've heard from the buyer, I can comfortably say that the car will continue to live. I guess that's all I really wanted. Someone who will let this car continue to be.

It friggin sucks though, seriously.

I can always buy it back ;D

Thanks again guys, to everyone, seriously. To each and everyone of you. You all kick ass and it means a lot. It's a bit, nerving to dump everything you have to go for something that's really not even there. I need to try and succeed, at least to say I tried.

But like I said before.
I'm not going anywhere