Just got my '05 wow...


Founding Member
Jul 1, 2002
Columbus Ga.
Took delivery last night, rio red/red leather interior. Shaker 500 stereo. manual trans, interior option, really dresses up the inside.
Performance is more than I expected. I have a 93 5.0 coupe, and a 94 cobra w/ vortech sq. I think from the seat of pants feel the '05 would take the cobra. Really handels great. Will post pics soon.
Yes, I think the shaker 1000 would be over kill , at least for me/ I have a 1000 watt system in my 94 cobra, and I can't really enjoy it . The highs are crisp in the shaker system the lows have enough bass to rattle your insides without knocking the mirrors off. The voices are clear, of course a real audiophile would probably change the speakers , but I am so overwhelmed with the ride, handeling and performance as a package, that I may not play any music for a wile. Sensory overload.

Congrats on the 05! Its gonna be a great car for Ford. One thing though, if your '05 is quicker than your SC'ed Cobra, you have some serious tuning issues on that car.
Congrats. on the successful delivery of your new '05 baby! I just ordered mine about a week ago (V-6, Redfire, loaded with options, etc.). I have been seeing wildly varying estimates of arrival times for the cars...some say two months, some say up to four. I have a priority code of 20 (for whatever that's worth; probably not much). Any guesses on when my car will arrive? Also, what is a "Shaker" sound system? I drove an '05 F-150 the other day and damn if the stereo wasn't exactly the same as in the Mustang but without "Shaker" on the front.