Just installed my Super40 Flows!


Aug 17, 2003
Chandler, AZ
I've never had Fowmasters before so I cannot compare them to anything.
They are nice and deep, definatly louder than stock, and do not have that imfamous drone like the origial Flows do while cruising.
The drone is only apparent when giving just a bit of extra throttle at high speeds on the freeway, but not when at cruise.
So far I love 'em! :nice:
Very tough and very muscle car sounding.
Nice match for my Black GT and my new 4.10's :hail2:
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PDubs said:
I can't believe they don't have any drone. You obviously need an o/r h to add to that combo.

When I'm crusing there is no drone.
But, if I just press the gas a touch more then the drone is defintaly there.
So far it's great!
Very quiet when acceleration is constant, and screams at WOT.
Perfect! :nice: