Latest gas prices

Neat pic! Seriously, I heard on CNN last nite that prices should be dropping. Evidently, some of the oil-producing countries have opened up their reserves to help alleviate our high prices. Go figure. Anyway, it took about 18 hrs after the footage of Katrina showed on TV for our gas prices here on the west coast to go up about 45 cents per gallon. I'd be willing to bet it goes down maybe 5-10 cents and takes a month or more to happen. But I'll bet we never go below $3 a gallon again.
Ahh you guys and petrol (gas-sorry) price worries. Since the Katrina disaster occured ours have gone up to almost a £1 for a litre of normal unleaded. (Not even the stuff i want to put in my stang! )
I think after conversion rates we're paying almost 5 and a half dollars per US gallon, makes you look for alternatives really! This from a country (England) that has plentiful oil reserves that almost needs no refining too. Damn the gouvernment and their tax.
So anyone figured out how to convert a 289 V8 to run on other fluids...water would be good!!!!!!
Many places in the world are $5 or $6 a gallon so we should feel good, right? No, in Venezuela, it is 12 cents a gallon. Many countries' governments run the oil refineries and pass the gas along as cheap as possible to help all citizens of the country financially. Saudi is under 25 cents a gallon last time I checked. We are getting reamed by these oil companies.

Absoloutly spot on. Remember gas is a by product of crude oil and as such shouldnt actually have any particular value.However we all have to get around and so have little choice but to pay, our government here tells us we should use public transport, however years of neglect has meant we dont have a decent transport system, catch 22! Must be sorse in that respect in the 'states due to the size of your country. Its rumored that oil company esso (Exxon to you guys) has such vast bank balances that even days of not sellin oil wouldnt actually effect them. So what can we do?

Hmmmm, I might just have about 1000 gallons shipped to my house at that price. That'll last me a little while.
It's not just the oil companies. Englands economy is practically financed by their gas taxes. Depending where you live 1/3rd to 1/2 of the gallon prices is taxes of some sort.
Max Power said:
It's not just the oil companies. Englands economy is practically financed by their gas taxes. Depending where you live 1/3rd to 1/2 of the gallon prices is taxes of some sort.

The actual tax on our gas is roughly 70% here in England. (at the moment its £1 a litre so only 30p is actually to the fuel company), we're just taxed stupidly here in all sorts of ways so the government dont have to put up the tax either on our wages again or VAT (value added tax) on the things we buy, that they think people will all notice and then not vote them in again!
I think the haulage companies will be blockading all the refineries again soon and little old England will be on its knees as everyone panic buys!
Realmongo said:
We are up to $2.99.9 for Shell premium now.

Oh, I remember that....
At the peak, we were at $2.99.9 for regular around here; but it mostly hovered near $2.97.9 at the cheap stations. No worries about it being "dirty old gas", though....the stations that were that cheap were begging for tankers daily; and were usually out in the mornings before the tanker showed up!
Right now in Yuma regular unleaded is down to around $2.92.9, mid-grade is up a nickle, premium another nickle. All Labor Day weekend (at least Saturday when I was picking up 1/2NK and Monday when I took her back to the airport), Phoenix was 20-22 cents higher Glad I had picked up a 30 MPG Japanese hoopty for the trips - that would have been a bank-breaker in the RAM.

EDIT: I forgot to mention.... one of our cheaper stations in town is in fact a Shell station! On the other hand, one of our more expensive gas stations in town is in fact another Shell station. This isn't really all that surprising (location,location,location); except that the cheaper station is in the "high rent district" located not far off Interstate 8 - surrounded by banks restaurants and shopping centers
That's nothing. Somewhere in between unleaded and motor oil in the refinery chain, you'll find the "sophisticated redneck's" fuel of choice - diesel. But that's not where you'll find it in the price chain. The average diesel pickup (say, my brother's Duramax-powered Silverado HD) gets much better fuel mileage pulling his heavy 5th-wheel "toy hauler" trailer than we get pulling a little 6500 lb horse trailer with the RAM (and Ford/Chevy gas powered trucks don't do all that much better than Mopars). But it's all a wash for each of us to make a trip somewhere; because I use more fuel but diesel (which doesn't need as much refining) is 10-15 cents more than regular unleaded!

When the subject comes up, I just while he's going