Latest gas prices

We're in trouble again. Go get gas today before the next hurricane wreaks the gulf and the market reacts to continuing high price of oil. It was 2.48 when I got to work this morning. hopefully it's still sitting at that.
I saw an article today about the recent gas price spikes...

FTC says it is investigating gas price gouging
Democratic governors ask if companies took advantage of Katrina crisis

Check it out. Boy I hope they sock it to them oil companies. Remember when they shut down most of their natural gas plants the year before there was the shortage that resulted in peoples gas bills going up to over 3 or 4 times what they generally were?
Yeah I just love the way they control the energy market, minipulate supplies to increase their profits and then say it's just supply and demand.
Where was our president and all his oil buddies? HIDING! While they all get rich. If Bush had a spine, he would have done something, not hope it goes away with all this "investigation" crap.

Thanks George.... Time to vote you and your cronies out.