Long Lost Member Seeks Advice


Jan 20, 2006
hey guys whats up trying to decide what to do with my cars right now, currently

rocking a 97 expedition that is literally sucking the life out of me 13 miles and $2.57

at a time(thank god gas is kinda cheap in AZ) anyway it's going away

SOON!!! not sure if i what another Car/Truck Or just bring my Mustang down from

home and spend some money on it perhaps a 5lug/5sp/supercharger kinda thing,

my only hesitation is it would be the dd other than my bike, and i live in phoeniex

so i am worried it will get wrecked stolen or other wise destroyed. i park on base

but out at the club bar whatever is kinda sketcy Anyways

sorry for the novel and the boring story but any ideas thoughs on a dd that gets

better mpg or just make fun of me for leaving my stang at home a bringing the

family truckster down here. Oh i have 954 honda so a fast dd is not really a needed