Well I got a Lunati 51014 camshaft given to me and was thinking about using it in the new motor to see how it works. I was wondering if anyone has ever had any experience with this cam? And if not what does everyone think about it?
Adv Duration: 284°/292°
Duration @.050: 218°/226°
Lift with 1.6 rocker:500/.510
Lobe Lift: .312/.318
112° Sep
108° Int C/L
intake opens/closes: 01°BTC/37°ABC
exhaust opens/closes: 49°BBC 03°ATC
Adv Duration: 284°/292°
Duration @.050: 218°/226°
Lift with 1.6 rocker:500/.510
Lobe Lift: .312/.318
112° Sep
108° Int C/L
intake opens/closes: 01°BTC/37°ABC
exhaust opens/closes: 49°BBC 03°ATC