Met the girl of my dreams today

Geez, there were almost as many picture pages to go thru as this thread, whew.

Of course you realize that you just opened up the door right next to the closet which happens to be the photoshop door. Don't they just make the cutest couple?

BTW, you might want to have the photographer move that first page to the end, I haven't seen so many tools lumped together since the snap on convention.


  • BBFCM&Chepsk8.jpg
    57.6 KB · Views: 278

Geez, there were almost as many picture pages to go thru as this thread, whew.

Of course you realize that you just opened up the door right next to the closet which happens to be the photoshop door. Don't they just make the cutest couple?

Well, okay, that blows my whole idea that Cheapie was taking pictures of Heather getting ready for the wedding.
Because we all know that if Dan was built like that; he'd spend every waking moment staring at himself in the mirror!
BTW, you might want to have the photographer move that first page to the end, I haven't seen so many tools lumped together since the snap on convention.

C'mon, Andy! Bring this thread back "on-topic" !

No worries... even though you're the thread originator; you just got married which means you must have a few honeymoon pics that can get past the "family filters"!
You can jump back on-topic for that!

Please! I need something -anything!- to take my mind off Pak's Photo-Chop of Dan wearing Heather's dress
I notice that Fritz hasn't chimed in to contest his secret yearninngs for Dan, nor has Dan for that matter!?!??!?!? They must still be on their honeymoon, that or they wrecked the Cobra on exit 9 somewhere near Niagra Falls.

Not until mid-August will I be near THAT exit.....

Beena few days since I have been here, I will check out the wedding pics, and then answer all the accusations about my photography skills! Now, if I can only find my old Brownie Box camera.... If not, theres always the Kodak Instamatic floating around....

Andy & Heather - Welcome back!
Ok, so I know I have been slacking on the updating, but at the same time I can justify this by telling you I truly have been busy. Normally at night I update yall, usually after I take Heather home, but since we have been married I have not so much as touched my laptop. Also I enjoy keeping yall updated on my lunch breaks here at work, but here in 2 weeks is our new ERP system go live date, so lunches have been used for meetings and conference calls, not to mention the stack of work that I have been hacking away at since my return. The honeymoon was fun, it rained almost everyday, lucky for us we made the best of our time stuck in the hotel room. It was nice to be away from everybody for a while; my bag was lost in transit containing my phone and laptop. I did get them back but that defiantly put a damper on our trip. However it was probably a blessing in disguise because that left us all the more cut off. Our parents have been throwing a fit because they claim that we never talk to them any more, and by never talk to them any more I mean we don’t call them for 2 days. As if we have not been busy enough we closed on our first house. Its not anything special, but its good enough to call home. So far it has not been hard to adjust to married life, however I do wish that Heather had a few more hobbies. I cant seem to find time to work on my truck or the boat every since we have been married, when I get off work we are together and on the weekends we like to “lay” in bed till around noonish. I do have a few pictures of the honeymoon but unfortunately I am at work and do not have them with me, I will try to remember to bring them in tomorrow. Well gotta go!
This is our house.

Welcome Home!!!

(and thank you for saving the thread!!!)

Welcome to married life, and the one big word - cooperation. Yes, it will be some work to find a balance point, but make the effort early, so the long term is good. Don't end up like us single Dad's here on the forums! I am sure Heather too must be trying to adjust. Talk with her, be open, and work together.

So, now this thread can take on a whole new direction - "Keeping the Wife of your Dreams"!

and congrats on the house!!!!!
Bull-shnizzle! Just look at these statements!

The honeymoon was fun, it rained almost everyday, lucky for us we made the best of our time stuck in the hotel room.
I cant seem to find time to work on my truck or the boat every since we have been married, when I get off work we are together and on the weekends we like to “lay” in bed till around noonish.

Translation: Andy's still "Just a guy" (copywright Bill Engvaald)

This is our house.


Definitely an upgrade on Mrs StangDreamin's and my "shack on the side of a hill" outside Tucson!
(But where would you keep the horses?)

Never mind, the horses (and their continuous expenses) will probably go away the first time she shows you those "two pink lines"

EDIT: Waitaminute! An Impala???? Where's the '67? The F150? The Bayliner? The all-important Pirate Flag?????

Aw, Duuuu-u-uude!
OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO, that is NOT my car, that is the realtor's car, we have not moved in, we cant move in till august first. Its going to suck, but it will be nice not to have to pay rent any more. It has a nice sized back yard plenty of room to put the boat. My plan is to use half the garage for my mustang area, work bench, tools, possibly run some 220 in and drop in a welder, use the other side for one of our cars, i hope heathers just because my truck is a lot more money and 7 years newer, but she may not agree to that. Heather is on the job hunt she really needs a job she has been getting real bored after the wedding. Well i better get back to work, talk to yall later.
Also whats this about???

It probably has to do with the ad filter picking up on this gross statement:
Never mind, the horses (and their continuous expenses) will probably go away the first time she shows you those "two pink lines"

I mean honestly dude, they are now married, they got stuck in the hotel room for most of the honeymoon, it couldn't have possibly been dark the whole time, I'm sure she has shown them to him by now as well as the two pink circles, sheeeesh.
You got it, Fritz! There's even a "New Country" song that's been out for over a year now; lyrics focus around the young male singer and his girlfriend "... sittin' round, waitin' on two pink lines."

If I wasn't afraid of the vociferous azz-whuppin' I'd get from a certain Army Sgt-desginate; I'd make some snarky comment about that particular song getting either too much or not enough airplay in certain "military town" in NC.

Oh, cr@p - I did it anyway! I can feel it coming

And her mother, too!

EDIT: At least SVTCobra306 has a "guy's" sense of humor; else I'd probably need to worry about