MSRP Price Mark Up

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Riggs said:
Lets say the MSRP on a new mustang is $21K what would you guys say is the common amount of markup on the price most dealerships will make?

If the MSRP is $21K then you are obviously looking at a V6.
There are plenty of V6s available, you should be paying below MSRP on a V6 (NO markup!).

GTs are another story.
Yeah I was thinkin V6 but I am not ruling out GT depends on money and career issues. Why do GT's have a mark up? Is it because of the fact of there are less of them? Or because people who have a GT in mind will do anything and pay anything to get one?
I think it's a lot less than a third. The dealer in my home town sold me a loaded GT the monday after xmas for MSRP. I've never felt so good about paying MSRP before. I guess I caught them before they knew what they had going. Since then I've noticed that they have a habit of taking them downtown, having stripes and wheels put on them and then marking them up 4 or 5 grand for "dealer installed options." I guess that's better than paying a markup for nothing but I still would rather pay a fair price and pick the "options" myself. If you're concerned, wait a little while. This is the mustang we're talking about. I've said it before on this forum; Ford's going to make so many of these things that in a year you won't be able to swing a dead cat without bouncin' his furry little head off an S197.
Less than MSRP for a V6. Maybe MSRP for a GT, but I would shop harder before I payed MSRP. I ordered mine through Military Overseas sales so I don't know how hard I would have to shop not to pay MSRP for a GT, but I would make sure it was exactly what I wanted, esp this late in the season... 06 right around the corner.
My dealership is not only offering me my X-plan, they're ordering the car as a retail so they'll get it allocated sooner, then they'll charge X-plan. They said that if they tried to gouge me like other dealerships are doing to people, then my wife, dad, uncles, etc would no longer buy cars there (which is probably true). They know I'll be back next spring when it's time for a new truck, and a Navi for the wife-mobile. It's better to make me happy and sacrifice a few dollars now because, in the long run, they'll make even more.
jlisle01 said:
I think it's a lot less than a third. The dealer in my home town sold me a loaded GT the monday after xmas for MSRP. I've never felt so good about paying MSRP before. I guess I caught them before they knew what they had going. Since then I've noticed that they have a habit of taking them downtown, having stripes and wheels put on them and then marking them up 4 or 5 grand for "dealer installed options." I guess that's better than paying a markup for nothing but I still would rather pay a fair price and pick the "options" myself. If you're concerned, wait a little while. This is the mustang we're talking about. I've said it before on this forum; Ford's going to make so many of these things that in a year you won't be able to swing a dead cat without bouncin' his furry little head off an S197.

Too funny... but more than likely it will turn out to be true.
I had ordered a GT back in December for my company as a platform to do our R&D on. After waiting 4 months the dealer told us that he for some reason could not get the vehicle he had ordered us and gave back or deposit.
I later found the vehicle came in but the sales manager decided to sell it for 5K over sticker to some one else. Keep in mind I had bought 9 fords since 1999 from this dealer.
So then through the month of April I called 83 dealerships which all didn't have any GT's and if they did they wouldn't honor any discounts and were going for 5K over sticker. I had one dealer told me he had one coming in for another buyer whom had already paid but if my asking number was good enough he would sell it to me instead. I told him I wouldn't buy a vehicle from his dealer just based on that fact alone.

I have now reordered another unit and got in writing from the dealer they will honor my A-plan. I then had a guy at ford I work with through SEMA to expedite my priority code over at AAI.

So all in all I'm quite ticked at ford and even worse at the dealers, but whatca going to do about it.
I ordered my GT 12/03/04 and got it for over a thousand under MSRP - with no x, d, a, b, c, f, k, w, l, m, n, o, p or y plans. Now that the production of the 05's is coming to an end, I think the V-6's will go for MSRP or under ........ the GT's will go full MSRP or over because of high demand and low production numbers (unless you are lucky enough to have one of the aforementioned plans). Good luck! If i were purchasing this late in the game, I would order an MY 06. Forunately, I'm not in the waiting game anymore - :banana: :banana: love my GT :banana: :banana: love my GT :banana: :banana: love my GT :banana: :banana: :cheers:
Kevinrox said:
Less than MSRP for a V6. Maybe MSRP for a GT, but I would shop harder before I payed MSRP. I ordered mine through Military Overseas sales so I don't know how hard I would have to shop not to pay MSRP for a GT, but I would make sure it was exactly what I wanted, esp this late in the season... 06 right around the corner.

I am considering ordering an 06 GT convertible from Military Overseas sales and have been quoted a price of about $1100 under MSRP. Based on what I'm reading on this thread it sounds like a good deal.
Demand is so high in this area that my local dealer (have a buddy that's a sales manager there) said they are buying GT's at MSRP from dealers out of state and are trucking them down and selling them at $3000 over sticker. There is hardly a GT on the road and none on the lots around here and this is a place where a Lambo sighting is a daily event.

This is an interesting subject to me, as we are in the market and have not yet purchased.

We're hoping to find a way to do X-Plan or something similar (polling relatives). Otherwise, hoping our previous relationship with our dealer helps out...

Has anyone been seeing $1100 or more under MSRP on 'vert V6s?